
mc ilm rule edit

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z: mc ilm rule edit replaces mc ilm edit.


The mc ilm rule edit command modifies an existing object lifecycle management rule on a MinIO bucket.

The following command modifies existing lifecycle management rules for the mydata bucket on the myminio deployment:

mc ilm rule edit --id "c79ntj94b0t6rukh6lr0" --expiry-days 90  myminio/mydata

mc ilm rule edit --id "c79nu2p4b0t6qko19rgg" --expired-object-delete-marker myminio/mydata

mc ilm rule edit --id "c79n19dn10dnab109fg1" --transition-days 30 --tier "COLDTIER"

The command modifies the specified rules as follows:

  • Delete objects more than 90 days old.

  • Delete DeleteMarker tombstones if that object has no other versions remaining.

  • Transition objects more than 30 days old to the COLDTIER remote tier.

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] ilm rule edit                                       \
                 --id "string"                                       \
                 [--prefix "string"]                                 \
                 [--enable]                                          \
                 [--disable]                                         \
                 [--expire-all-object-versions]                      \
                 [--expire-days "string"]                            \
                 [--expire-delete-marker]                            \
                 [--transition-days "string"]                        \
                 [--transition-tier "string"]                        \
                 [--noncurrent-expire-days "string"]                 \
                 [--noncurrent-expire-newer "string"]                \
                 [--noncurrent-transition-days "string"]             \
                 [--noncurrent-transition-tier "string"]             \
                 [--tags]                                            \
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.



The alias and full path to the bucket on the MinIO deployment to which to modify the object lifecycle management rule. For example:

mc ilm rule edit myminio/mydata

The unique ID of the rule. Use mc ilm rule ls to list bucket rules and retrieve the id for the rule you want to modify.


Stop using the rule, but retain the rule for future use. Objects do not transition or expire when a rule is disabled.


Use a rule to transition or expire objects.


Restrict the management rule to a specific bucket prefix.

For example:

mc ilm rule edit --prefix "meetingnotes/" myminio/mydata --expire-days "90"

The command modifies a rule that expires objects in the mydata bucket of the myminio ALIAS after 90 days for any object with the meetingnotes/ prefix.


New in version mc: RELEASE.2024-02-24T01-33-20Z

Expire all current and noncurrent versions of an object. Use with the --expire-days option to specify the number of days after which all versions of an object should be deleted by the scanner process.

After the scanner processes this command, no versions of the object remain on the deployment.

New in version MinIO: RELEASE.2024-05-01T01-11-10Z

This flag only applies to objects that do not have a delete marker as the latest version.


The number of days to retain an object after being created. MinIO marks the object for deletion after the specified number of days pass.

Exercise caution when using this option, as its behavior can result in immediate expiration of uploaded objects. Any objects created after the specified expiration date are automatically eligible for expiration. Similarly, specifying a calendar date that is prior to the current system host datetime marks all objects covered by the rule for deletion. Consider immediately removing any ILM rule using this option once the specified calendar date has passed.

For versioned buckets, the expiry rule applies only to the current object version. Use the --noncurrent-expire-days option to apply expiration behavior to noncurrent object versions.

MinIO uses a scanner process to check objects against all configured lifecycle management rules. Slow scanning due to high IO workloads or limited system resources may delay application of lifecycle management rules. See Lifecycle Management Object Scanner for more information.

Mutually exclusive with the following options:


Specify this option to direct MinIO to remove delete markers for objects with no remaining object versions. Specifically, the delete marker is the only remaining “version” of the given object.

This option is mutually exclusive with the following options:

MinIO uses a scanner process to check objects against all configured lifecycle management rules. Slow scanning due to high IO workloads or limited system resources may delay application of lifecycle management rules. See Lifecycle Management Object Scanner and Object Deletion for more information.


The number of days to retain an object version after becoming non-current (i.e. a different version of that object is now the HEAD). MinIO marks noncurrent object versions for deletion after the specified number of days pass.

This option has the same behavior as the S3 NoncurrentVersionExpiration action.

MinIO uses a scanner process to check objects against all configured lifecycle management rules. Slow scanning due to high IO workloads or limited system resources may delay application of lifecycle management rules. See Lifecycle Management Object Scanner for more information.


The number of non-current versions of an object to retain before applying expiration. Older non-current versions beyond the specified number expire.

By default, MinIO does not retain any non-current versions when an expiration rule applies.


The number of days an object has been non-current (i.e. replaced by a newer version of that same object) after which MinIO marks the object version as eligible for transition. MinIO transitions the object to the configured remote storage tier specified to the --transition-tier once the system host datetime passes that calendar date.

This option has no effect on non-versioned buckets. Requires specifying --noncurrent-transition-tier.

This option has the same behavior as the S3 NoncurrentVersionTransition action.

If the remote tier is another MinIO deployment, you can set the value to 0 to mark new objects as immediately eligible for transition to the remote tier.

MinIO uses a scanner process to check objects against all configured lifecycle management rules. Slow scanning due to high IO workloads or limited system resources may delay application of lifecycle management rules. See Lifecycle Management Object Scanner for more information.


The remote storage tier to which MinIO transitions noncurrent objects versions. Specify a remote storage tier created by mc ilm tier add.

MinIO does not automatically migrate objects from the previously specified remote tier to the new remote tier. MinIO continues to route requests for objects stored on the old remote tier.


One or more ampersand &-delimited key-value pairs describing the object tags to which to apply the lifecycle configuration rule.

This option is mutually exclusive with the following option:


The number of calendar days from object creation after which MinIO marks an object as eligible for transition. MinIO transitions the object to the configured remote storage tier specified to the --transition-tier. Specify the number of days as an integer, e.g. 30 for 30 days. If the remote tier is another MinIO deployment, you can set the value to 0 to mark new objects as immediately eligible for transition to the remote tier.

For versioned buckets, the transition rule applies only to the current object version. Use the --noncurrent-transition-days option to apply transition behavior to noncurrent object versions.

Requires specifying --transition-tier.

MinIO uses a scanner process to check objects against all configured lifecycle management rules. Slow scanning due to high IO workloads or limited system resources may delay application of lifecycle management rules. See Lifecycle Management Object Scanner for more information.


The remote storage tier to which MinIO transition objects. Specify a remote storage tier created by mc ilm tier add.

Required if specifying --transition-days.

MinIO does not automatically migrate objects from the previously specified remote tier to the new remote tier. MinIO continues to route requests for objects stored on the old remote tier.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.


Modify an Existing Lifecycle Management Rule

Use mc ilm rule edit with --id to modify an existing object expiration rule:

mc ilm rule edit ALIAS/PATH --id "RULEID" [FLAGS]
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the S3-compatible host.

  • Replace PATH with the path to the bucket on the S3-compatible host.

  • Replace RULEID with the unique ID of the object lifecycle management rule. Use mc ilm rule ls to find the RULEID.

  • Specify any additional flags to add or modify the lifecycle management rule. For example, specify --transition-days to override the existing transition days value for the rule.

Disable a Lifecycle Management Rule

Use mc ilm rule edit with --disable to stop using an existing management rule.

mc ilm rule edit --id "RULEID" --disable myminio/mybucket
  • Replace RULEID with the unique ID of the object lifecycle management rule. Use mc ilm rule ls to find the RULEID.

  • Replace myminio with the ALIAS of the deployment where the rule exists.

  • Replace mybucket with the bucket for the rule.

Required Permissions

For permissions required to edit a rule, refer to the required permissions on the parent command.


S3 Compatibility

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.