
mc ilm tier add

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z: mc ilm tier add replaces mc admin tier add.


The mc ilm tier add command creates a new remote storage tier to a supported storage services.

See Object Transition for a complete list.

Supported S3 Services

mc ilm tier add supports only the following S3-compatible services as a remote target for object tiering:

  • MinIO

  • Amazon S3

  • Google Cloud Storage

  • Azure Blob Storage


MinIO requires the following administrative permissions on the cluster in which you create remote tiers for object transition lifecycle management rules:

For example, the following policy provides permission for configuring object transition lifecycle management rules on any bucket in the cluster:

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Sid": "EnableRemoteTierManagement"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Sid": "EnableLifecycleManagementRules"


The following example creates a new remote tier called WARM-MINIO-TIER on the myminio deployment. The command creates a tier for a remote MinIO deployment located at the hostname

 mc ilm tier add minio myminio WARM-MINIO-TIER                     \
                               --endpoint   \
                               --access-key ACCESSKEY              \
                               --secret-key SECRETKEY              \
                               --bucket mybucket                   \
                               --prefix myprefix/

Lifecycle management rules on the myminio deployment can use the new tier to transition objects into the remote location’s myprefix/ prefix in the mybucket bucket.

The command has the following syntax:

mc ilm tier add TIER_TYPE                    \
                TARGET                       \
                TIER_NAME                    \
                --bucket value               \
                [--endpoint string]          \
                [--region string]            \
                [--access-key value^]        \
                [--secret-key value^]        \
                [--use-aws-role^]            \
                [--aws-role-arn^]            \
                [--aws-web-identity-file^]   \
                [--azure-sp-tenant-id^]      \
                [--azure-sp-client-id^]      \
                [--azure-sp-client-secret^]  \
                [--account-name value^]      \
                [--account-key value^]       \
                [--credentials-file value^]  \
                [--prefix value]             \
                [--storage-class value]

^Note: Each supported storage vendor authenticates with different methods. The flags to use for authentication vary by storage vendor. See details under TIER_TYPE below.

  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.


The command accepts the following arguments:


The Cloud Service Provider storage backend (“Tier”) to which MinIO transitions objects. Specify one of the following supported values:


Use a remote MinIO deployment as the storage backend for the new Tier.

Requires also specifying the following parameters:


Use AWS S3 as the storage backend for the new Tier.

Requires also specifying the following parameters:


Use Azure Blob Storage as the storage backend for the new Tier.

Requires also specifying the following parameters:


Use GCP Cloud Storage as the storage backend for the new Tier.

Requires also specifying the following parameter:


The alias of a configured MinIO deployment on which the command creates the new remote tier. You can then create new rules with mc ilm rule add specifying the new remote tier.


The name to associate with the new remote tier. The name must be unique across all configured tiers on the MinIO cluster.

You must specify the tier in all-caps, e.g. WARM_TIER.


The URL endpoint for the S3 or MinIO storage. The URL endpoint must resolve to the provider specified to TIER_TYPE.

Required for s3 or minio tier types, optional for azure. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The access key for a user on the remote S3 or minio tier types. The user must have permission to perform read/write/list/delete operations on the remote bucket or bucket prefix.

Required if TIER_TYPE is s3 or minio. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The secret key for a user on the remote s3 or minio tier types.

Required if TIER_TYPE is s3 or minio. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The Storage Account to use as the remote storage resource.

Required if TIER_TYPE is azure. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.

MinIO does not support changing the storage account name associated to an Azure remote tier. Azure storage backends are tied to the storage account, such that changing this value would change the storage backend and prevent access to any objects transitioned to the original account/backend.


The corresponding shared account key for the --account-name associated to the remote Azure tier.

The account key must have an assigned Azure policy with the required permissions.

Required if TIER_TYPE is azure. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The credential file for a user on the remote Google Cloud Storage tier. The user must have permission to perform read/write/list/delete operations on the remote bucket or bucket prefix.

Required if TIER_TYPE is gcs. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The bucket on the remote tier to which MinIO transitions objects.

For azure remote tiers, this value corresponds to the Container name


The prefix path for the specified --bucket to which MinIO transitions objects.

Omit this field to transition objects into the bucket root.


The storage class (“access tier” for Microsoft Azure) MinIO applies to objects transitioned to the remote bucket.

The storage class to apply to objects transitioned by MinIO to the remote bucket. MinIO tiering behavior depends on the remote storage returning objects immediately (milliseconds to seconds) upon request. MinIO therefore cannot support remote storage which requires rehydration, wait periods, or manual intervention.

Select the tab corresponding to the TIER_TYPE for a list of supported values for each tier:

  • STANDARD Recommended


For more information, see Erasure Coding storage class.




For more information, see Using Amazon S3 storage classes.




For more information, see GCS storage class.

  • Hot

  • Cool

For more information, see Hot, cool, and archive access tiers for blob data.

If omitted, objects use the default storage class defined for the remote bucket.


The S3 backend region for the specified TIER_TYPE, such as us-west-1.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is s3 or minio. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


Use the access permission for the locally configured AWS Role.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is s3 or minio. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The AWS S3 role name to use when transitioning objects.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is s3 and the source is a MinIO pod on Amazon EKS.


Specify the web identity token file to use when transitioning objects.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is s3 and the source is a MinIO pod on Amazon EKS.


Tenant ID for the service principal account to use to log in to Azure storage.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is azure and you log in using an service principal identity. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


Client ID for the service principal account to use to log in to Azure storage.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is azure and you log in using an service principal identity. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.


The client secret for the service principal account to use to log in to Azure storage.

This option only applies if TIER_TYPE is azure and you log in using an service principal identity. This option has no effect for any other value of TIER_TYPE.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.


Configure a Tier to Transition Objects to a MinIO Deployment

The following example creates a new tier on a local deployment that a configured rule can use to transition objects to a separate, remote MinIO deployment.

mc ilm tier add minio myminio WARM-MINIO-TIER --endpoint \
     --access-key ACCESSKEY --secret-key SECRETKEY --bucket mybucket --prefix myprefix/

This command creates a new tier called WARM-MINIO-TIER for a minio type of remote storage on the myminio deployment.

  • The remote MinIO storage is located at

  • The command includes credentials for a user with read, write, list, and delete privileges to the bucket and prefix.

  • The tier transitions objects to the mybucket bucket and the myprefix prefix on the remote MinIO storage.

Configure a Tier to Transition Objects to an Azure Blob Storage Location

The following example creates a new tier on a local deployment that a configured rule can use to transition objects to Azure Blob Storage.

mc ilm tier add azure myminio AZTIER --account-name ACCOUNT-NAME --account-key ACCOUNT-KEY \
     --bucket myazurebucket --prefix myazureprefix/

This command creates a new tier called AZTIER for an azure type of remote storage on the myminio deployment.

  • The remote Azure storage is accessed by the provided account name and key.

  • The tier transitions objects to the myazurebucket bucket and the myazureprefix prefix on the Azure storage.

Configure a Tier to Transition Objects to Google Cloud Storage

The following example creates a new tier on a local deployment that a configured rule can use to transition objects to Google Cloud Storage.

 mc ilm tier add gcs myminio GCSTIER --credentials-file /path/to/credentials.json \
     --bucket mygcsbucket  --prefix mygcsprefix/

This command creates a new tier called GCSTIER for a gcs type of remote storage on the myminio deployment.

  • The remote GCS storage is accessed by the provided credentials file.

  • The tier transitions objects to the mygcsbucket bucket and the mygcsprefix prefix on the GCS storage.

Configure a Tier to Transition Objects to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

The following example creates a new tier on a local deployment that a configured rule can use to transition objects to a STANDARD storage on S3.

 mc ilm tier add s3 myminio S3TIER --endpoint \
     --access-key ACCESSKEY --secret-key SECRETKEY --bucket mys3bucket --prefix mys3prefix/ \
     --storage-class "STANDARD" --region us-west-2

This command creates a new tier called S3TIER for a s3 type of remote storage on the myminio deployment.

  • The S3 storage is located at the provided endpoint.

  • The remotes S3 storage is accessed by the provided access key and secret key.

  • The tier transitions objects to the mys3bucket bucket and the mys3prefix prefix on the GCS storage.

  • The tier utilizes S3 STANDARD storage class located in the us-west-2 S3 region.

S3 Compatibility

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.

Required Permissions

For permissions required to add a tier, refer to the required permissions on the parent command.