
mc mb

The mc mb command creates a new bucket or directory at the specified path.

You can also use mc mb against the local filesystem to produce similar results to the mkdir -p commandline tool.

The following command creates a new bucket mydata on the myminio MinIO deployment. The command creates the bucket with object locking enabled.

mc mb --with-locks myminio/mydata

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] mb                   \
                 [--ignore-existing]  \
                 [--region "string"]  \
                 [--with-lock]        \
                 [--with-versioning]  \
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.


The MinIO or other S3-compatible service on which to create the new bucket.

For creating a bucket on MinIO, specify the alias and the name of the bucket. For example:

mc mb play/mybucket

For creating a directory on a local filesystem, specify the full path to that directory. For example:

mc mb ~/mydata/mydir

Directs mc mb to do nothing if the bucket or directory already exists.


The region in which to create the specified bucket. Has no effect if the specified ALIAS is a filesystem directory.

If not specified, default value is us-east-1.


Enables object locking on the specified bucket. Object locking requires, and therefore implies, enabling object versioning.


You can only enable object locking when creating the bucket. Buckets created without object locking cannot use Bucket Lifecycle Management or Bucket Object Locking functionality.


Enables object versioning on the new bucket. With versioning enabled, by default MinIO allows up to the maximum value of an Int64 versions per object, or over 9.2 quintillion. Define object expiration rules to remove versions of objects no longer needed, such as by the number of versions or the date of versions.

Versioning is required for bucket replication or site replication. Versioning does not imply or require object locking.

This command supports any of the global flags.

Use mc mb to create a bucket on an S3-compatible host. The --with-lock option creates the bucket with locking enabled:

mc mb --with-lock ALIAS/BUCKET
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the S3-compatible host.

  • Replace BUCKET with the bucket to create.

Use mc mb to create a bucket on an S3-compatible host. The --region option creates the bucket in a desired region.

mc mb --region --region=us-west-2 myminio/mynewbucket

The above command creates a new bucket, mynewbucket on the myminio bucket within the us-west-2 region.

mc mb --with-versioning myminio/myversionedbucket

The above command creates a new bucket, myversionedbucket, on the myminio alias. The new bucket enables object versioning for all objects in the bucket.

MinIO does not limit the number of buckets you can create on a deployment. However, MinIO recommends no more than 500,000 buckets per deployment as a general guideline.

Certain S3 services may restrict the number of buckets a given user or account can create. For example, Amazon S3 limits each account to 100 buckets. mc mb may return an error if the user has reached bucket limits on the target S3 service.

MinIO Object Storage deployments do not place any limits on the number of buckets each user can create.

MinIO follows AWS S3 behavior where you must enable object locking at bucket creation. Buckets created without object locking can never enable object retention or locking.

Enabling bucket locking does not set any object locking or retention settings. Consider enabling bucket locking as standard practice.

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.