
MinIO Client Settings

This page covers settings for the MinIO Client.

You can establish or modify settings by defining:

  • an environment variable on the host system prior to starting or restarting the MinIO Server. Refer to your operating system’s documentation for how to define an environment variable.

  • a configuration setting using mc admin config set.

  • a configuration setting using the MinIO Console’s Administrator > Settings pages.

If you define both an environment variable and the similar configuration setting, MinIO uses the environment variable value.

Some settings have only an environment variable or a configuration setting, but not both.


Host Credentials

Use this setting to add a temporary alias to use for mc commands. For example, for use with scripting.

The temporary alias uses the AWS s3v4 signature.


Replace <ALIAS> at the end of the environment variable with the alias to set the host for.

This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Use mc alias set to configure an alias.


Static Credentials

export MC_HOST_<alias>=https://<Access Key>:<Secret Key>@<YOUR-S3-ENDPOINT>
export MC_HOST_myalias=

Security Token Service (STS) Credentials

export MC_HOST_<alias>=https://<Access Key>:<Secret Key>:<Session Token>@<YOUR-S3-ENDPOINT>
export MC_HOST_myalias=https://Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F:zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG:eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJOVUlCT1JaWVRWMkhHMkJNUlNYUiIsImF1ZCI6IlBvRWdYUDZ1Vk80NUlzRU5SbmdEWGo1QXU1WWEiLCJhenAiOiJQb0VnWFA2dVZPNDVJc0VOUm5nRFhqNUF1NVlhIiwiZXh

STS Service

New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-11-06T04-19-23Z

Use this setting to add an STS endpoint to use for mc commands.

Changed in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Supports adding multiple environment variables by alias.

export MC_STS_ENDPOINT_myalias=https://sts.minio-operator.svc.cluster.local:4223/sts/ns-1

This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Web Token Identity

New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-11-06T04-19-23Z

Use this setting to add a web token identity to use for mc commands.

Changed in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Supports adding multiple environment variables by alias.

export MC_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE_myalias=/var/run/secrets/

This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Configuration Directory

Specify the path to the configuration folder the MinIO Client should use.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Progress Bar

Disable the MinIO Client progress bar.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.


New in version mc: RELEASE.2024-04-29T09-56-05Z

Disable the pager functionality of the MinIO Client in the CLI. When used, output prints to raw STDOUT instead.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Color Theme

Disable the color theme used for MinIO Client output.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.


Enable formatting the output as JSON lines.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.


Enable the debug output.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Disable SSL

Disable SSL certificate verification.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

Limit Download Bandwidth

Limit the download bandwidth the MinIO Client uses for certain commands.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

If not specified, the MinIO Client uses all available bandwidth.

Limit client-side download rates to no more than the specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the download from the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:

  • B for bytes

  • K for kilobytes

  • M for megabytes

  • G for gigabytes

  • Ki for kibibytes

  • Mi for mibibytes

  • Gi for gibibytes

For example, to limit download rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following on a Linux system:


Refer to your operating system instructions for equivalent commands on non-Linux systems.

Limit Upload Bandwidth

Limit the upload bandwidth the MinIO Client uses for certain commands.


This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

If not specified, the MinIO Client uses all available bandwidth.

Limit client-side upload rates to no more than the specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the upload from the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:

  • B for bytes

  • K for kilobytes

  • M for megabytes

  • G for gigabytes

  • Ki for kibibytes

  • Mi for mibibytes

  • Gi for gibibytes

For example, to limit upload rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following on a Linux system:


Refer to your operating system instructions for equivalent commands on non-Linux systems.

SSE-KMS Encryption

Encrypt and decrypt options using SSE-KMS with server managed keys.


Specify the key with the MC_ENC_KMS environment variable.

This setting does not have a configuration setting option.

SSE-S3 Encryption

Encrypt and decrypt options using SSE-KMS with server managed keys.


Specify the key to use for performing SSE-S3 encryption. The specified value must match the encryption key set in MINIO_KMS_KES_KEY_NAME.

This setting does not have a configuration setting option.