MinIO Client Settings
This page covers settings for the MinIO Client.
You can establish or modify settings by defining:
an environment variable on the host system prior to starting or restarting the MinIO Server. Refer to your operating system’s documentation for how to define an environment variable.
a configuration setting using
mc admin config set
.a configuration setting using the MinIO Console’s Administrator > Settings pages.
If you define both an environment variable and the similar configuration setting, MinIO uses the environment variable value.
Some settings have only an environment variable or a configuration setting, but not both.
Host Credentials
Use this setting to add a temporary alias to use for mc commands. For example, for use with scripting.
The temporary alias uses the AWS s3v4 signature.
This setting does not have a configuration setting option.
Use mc alias set
to configure an alias.
Static Credentials
export MC_HOST_<alias>=https://<Access Key>:<Secret Key>@<YOUR-S3-ENDPOINT>
export MC_HOST_myalias=
Security Token Service (STS) Credentials
export MC_HOST_<alias>=https://<Access Key>:<Secret Key>:<Session Token>@<YOUR-S3-ENDPOINT>
export MC_HOST_myalias=https://Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F:zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG:eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJOVUlCT1JaWVRWMkhHMkJNUlNYUiIsImF1ZCI6IlBvRWdYUDZ1Vk80NUlzRU5SbmdEWGo1QXU1WWEiLCJhenAiOiJQb0VnWFA2dVZPNDVJc0VOUm5nRFhqNUF1NVlhIiwiZXh
STS Service
New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-11-06T04-19-23Z
Use this setting to add an STS endpoint to use for mc commands.
Changed in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z
Supports adding multiple environment variables by alias.
Web Token Identity
New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-11-06T04-19-23Z
Use this setting to add a web token identity to use for mc commands.
Changed in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z
Supports adding multiple environment variables by alias.
Configuration Directory
Specify the path to the configuration folder the MinIO Client should use.
Progress Bar
Disable the MinIO Client progress bar.
New in version mc: RELEASE.2024-04-29T09-56-05Z
Disable the pager functionality of the MinIO Client in the CLI.
When used, output prints to raw STDOUT
Color Theme
Disable the color theme used for MinIO Client output.
Enable formatting the output as JSON lines.
Enable the debug output.
Disable SSL
Disable SSL certificate verification.
Limit Download Bandwidth
Limit the download bandwidth the MinIO Client uses for certain commands.
If not specified, the MinIO Client uses all available bandwidth.
Limit client-side download rates to no more than the specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the download from the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:
B for bytes
K for kilobytes
M for megabytes
G for gigabytes
Ki for kibibytes
Mi for mibibytes
Gi for gibibytes
For example, to limit download rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following on a Linux system:
Refer to your operating system instructions for equivalent commands on non-Linux systems.
Limit Upload Bandwidth
Limit the upload bandwidth the MinIO Client uses for certain commands.
If not specified, the MinIO Client uses all available bandwidth.
Limit client-side upload rates to no more than the specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the upload from the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:
B for bytes
K for kilobytes
M for megabytes
G for gigabytes
Ki for kibibytes
Mi for mibibytes
Gi for gibibytes
For example, to limit upload rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following on a Linux system:
Refer to your operating system instructions for equivalent commands on non-Linux systems.
SSE-KMS Encryption
Encrypt and decrypt options using SSE-KMS with server managed keys.
Specify the key with the
environment variable.
This setting does not have a configuration setting option.
SSE-S3 Encryption
Encrypt and decrypt options using SSE-KMS with server managed keys.
Specify the key to use for performing SSE-S3 encryption. The specified value must match the encryption key set in
This setting does not have a configuration setting option.