
mc mv


The mc mv command moves an object from source to the target, such as between MinIO deployments or between buckets on the same MinIO deployment. mc mv also supports moving objects between a local filesystem and MinIO.

You can also use mc mv against the local filesystem to produce similar results to the mv commandline tool.

The following command moves objects from the mydata bucket to the archive bucket on the myminio MinIO deployment:

mc mv --recursive myminio/mydata myminio/archive

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] mv         \
[--attr "string"]           \
[--disable-multipart]       \
[--enc-kms "string"]        \
[--enc-s3 "string"]         \
[--enc-c "string"]          \
[--limit-download string]   \
[--limit-upload string]     \
[--newer-than "string"]     \
[--older-than "string"]     \
[--preserve]                \
[--recursive]               \
[--storage-class "string"]  \
SOURCE [SOURCE...]          \
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.



The object or objects to move.

For moving an object from a MinIO bucket, specify the alias and the full path to the object(s) (e.g. bucket and path to objects). For example:

mc mv play/mybucket/object.txt play/myotherbucket/object.txt

For moving an object from a local filesystem, specify the full path to that object. For example:

mc mv ~/mydata/object.txt play/mybucket/object.txt

Specify multiple SOURCE paths to move multiple objects to the specified TARGET. mc rm treats the last specified alias or filesystem path as the TARGET. For example:

mc mv ~/mydata/object.txt play/mydata/otherobject.txt myminio/mydata

If you specify a directory or bucket to SOURCE, you must also specify --recursive to recursively move the contents of that directory. If you omit the --recursive argument, mv only moves objects in the top level of the specified directory or bucket.


The full path to the bucket to which the command moves the object(s) at the specified SOURCE. Specify the alias of a configured S3 service as the prefix to the TARGET path.

For moving an object from MinIO, specify the alias and hte full path to the object(s) (e.g. bucket and path to objects). For example:

mc mv play/mybucket/object.txt play/myotherbucket/object.txt

For moving an object from a local filesystem, specify the full path to that object. For example:

mc mv ~/mydata/object.txt play/mybucket/object.txt

The TARGET object name can differ from the SOURCE to “rename” the object as part of the move operation.

If running mc mv with the --recursive option, mc mv treats the TARGET as the bucket prefix for all objects at the SOURCE.


Add custom metadata for the object. Specify key-value pairs as KEY=VALUE\;. For example, --attr key1=value1\;key2=value2\;key3=value3.


Disables the multipart upload feature.

Multipart upload breaks an object into a set of separate parts. Each part uploads individually and in any order. If any individual part upload fails, MinIO retries that part without affecting the other parts. After upload completes, the parts combine to restore the original object.

MinIO recommends using multipart upload for any object larger than 100 MB. For more information on multipart upload, refer to the Amazon S3 documentation


Encrypt or decrypt objects using server-side SSE-KMS encryption with client-managed keys.

The parameter accepts a key-value pair formatted as KEY=VALUE


The full path to the object as alias/bucket/path/object.ext.

You can specify only the top-level path to use a single encryption key for all operations in that path.


Specify an existing data key on the external KMS.

See the mc admin kms key create reference for creating data keys.

For example:

--enc-kms "myminio/mybucket/prefix/object.obj=mybucketencryptionkey"

You can specify multiple encryption keys by repeating the parameter.

Specify the path to a prefix to apply encryption to all matching objects at that path:

--enc-kms "myminio/mybucket/prefix/=mybucketencryptionkey"

Encrypt or decrypt objects using server-side SSE-S3 encryption with KMS-managed keys. Specify the full path to the object as alias/bucket/prefix/object.

For example:

--enc-s3 "myminio/mybucket/prefix/object.obj"

You can specify the parameter multiple times to denote different object(s) to encrypt:

--enc-s3 "myminio/mybucket/foo/fooobject.obj" --enc-s3 "myminio/mybucket/bar/barobject.obj"

Specify the path to a prefix to apply encryption to all matching objects at that path:

--enc-s3 "myminio/mybucket/foo"

Encrypt or decrypt objects using server-side SSE-C encryption with client-managed keys.

The parameter accepts a key-value pair formatted as KEY=VALUE


The full path to the object as alias/bucket/path/object.ext.

You can specify only the top-level path to use a single encryption key for all operations in that path.


Specify either a 32-byte RawBase64-encoded key or a 64-byte hex-encoded key for use with SSE-C encryption.

Raw Base64 encoding rejects =-padded keys. Omit the padding or use a Base64 encoder that supports RAW formatting.

  • KEY - the full path to the object as alias/bucket/path/object.

  • VALUE - the 32-byte RAW Base64-encoded data key to use for encrypting object(s).

For example:

# RawBase64-Encoded string "mybucket32byteencryptionkeyssec"
--enc-c "myminio/mybucket/prefix/object.obj=bXlidWNrZXQzMmJ5dGVlbmNyeXB0aW9ua2V5c3NlYwo"

You can specify multiple encryption keys by repeating the parameter.

Specify the path to a prefix to apply encryption to all matching objects at that path:

--enc-c "myminio/mybucket/prefix/=bXlidWNrZXQzMmJ5dGVlbmNyeXB0aW9ua2V5c3NlYwo"


MinIO strongly recommends against using SSE-C encryption in production workloads. Use SSE-KMS via the --enc-kms or SSE-S3 via --enc-s3 parameters instead.


Limit client-side download rates to no more than a specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the download to the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:

  • B for bytes

  • K for kilobytes

  • M for megabytes

  • G for gigabytes

  • T for terabytes

  • Ki for kibibytes

  • Mi for mibibytes

  • Gi for gibibytes

  • Ti for tebibytes

For example, to limit download rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following:

--limit-download 1G

If not specified, MinIO uses an unlimited download rate.


Limit client-side upload rates to no more than the specified rate in KiB/s, MiB/s, or GiB/s. This affects only the upload from the local device running the MinIO Client. Valid units include:

  • B for bytes

  • K for kilobytes

  • M for megabytes

  • G for gigabytes

  • T for terabytes

  • Ki for kibibytes

  • Mi for mibibytes

  • Gi for gibibytes

  • Ti for tebibytes

For example, to limit upload rates to no more than 1 GiB/s, use the following:

--limit-upload 1G

If not specified, MinIO uses an unlimited upload rate.


Remove object(s) newer than the specified number of days. Specify a string in ##d#hh#mm#ss format. For example: --newer-than 1d2hh3mm4ss.

Defaults to 0 (all objects).


Remove object(s) older than the specified time limit. Specify a string in #d#hh#mm#ss format. For example: --older-than 1d2hh3mm4ss.

Defaults to 0 (all objects).

--preserve, a

Preserve file system attributes and bucket policy rules of the SOURCE directories, buckets, and objects on the TARGET bucket(s).

--recursive, r

Recursively move the contents of each bucket or directory SOURCE to the TARGET bucket.


Set the storage class for the new object(s) on the TARGET.

See the Amazon documentation on Storage Classes for more information on S3 storage classses.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.


Move Files from Filesystem to S3-Compatible Host

mc mv [--recursive] FILEPATH ALIAS/PATH
  • Replace FILEPATH with the full file path to the file to move.

    If specifying the path to a directory, include the --recursive flag.

    mc mv removes the files from the source after successfully moving it to the destination.

  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a configured S3-compatible host.

  • Replace PATH with the destination bucket.

Move a File from Filesystem to S3-Compatible Host with Custom Metadata

Use mc mv with the --attr option to set custom attributes on file(s).

  • Replace FILEPATH with the full file path to the file to move. mc mv removes the file from the source after successfully moving it to the destination.

  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a configured S3-compatible host.

  • Replace PATH with the destination bucket.

  • Replace ATTRIBUTES with one or more comma-separated key-value pairs KEY=VALUE. Each pair represents one attribute key and value.

Move Bucket Between S3-Compatible Services

  • Replace SRCALIAS with the alias of a configured S3-compatible host.

  • Replace SRCPATH with the path to the bucket. mc mv removes the bucket and its contents from the source after successfully moving it to the destination.

  • Replace TGTALIAS with the alias of a configured S3-compatible host.

  • Replace TGTPATH with the path to the bucket.

Move File to S3-Compatible Host with Specific Storage Class

Use mc mv with the --storage-class option to set the storage class on the destination S3-compatible host.

mc mv --storage-class CLASS FILEPATH ALIAS/PATH
  • Replace CLASS with the storage class to associate to the files.

  • Replace FILEPATH with the full file path to the file to move. mc mv removes the file from the source after successfully moving it to the destination.

  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a configured S3-compatible host.

  • Replace PATH with the destination bucket.

  • Replace ATTRIBUTES with one or more comma-separated key-value pairs KEY=VALUE. Each pair represents one attribute key and value.

    mc mv –storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY myobject.txt play/mybucket


Object Names on Move

MinIO uses the SOURCE object name when moving the object to the TARGET if no explicit target object name is specified.

You can specify a different object name for the TARGET with the same object path to “rename” an object. For example:

mc mv play/mybucket/object.txt play/mybucket/myobject.txt

For recursive move operations (mc mv --recursive), MinIO treats the TARGET path as a prefix for objects on the SOURCE.

Checksum Verification

mc mv verifies all move operations to object storage using MD5SUM checksums.

MinIO Trims Empty Prefixes on Object Removal

mc mv relies on the mc removal API for deleting objects. As part of removing the last object in a bucket prefix, mc also recursively removes each empty part of the prefix up to the bucket root. mc only applies the recursive removal to prefixes created implicitly as part of object write operations - that is, the prefix was not created using an explicit directory creation command such as mc mb.

For example, consider a bucket photos with the following object prefixes:

  • photos/2021/january/myphoto.jpg

  • photos/2021/february/myotherphoto.jpg

  • photos/NYE21/NewYears.jpg

photos/NYE21 is the only prefix explicitly created using mc mb. All other prefixes were implicitly created as part of writing the object located at that prefix.

If an mc command removes myphoto.jpg, the removal API automatically trims the empty /january prefix. If a subsequent mc command removes myotherphoto.jpg, the removal API automatically trims both the /february prefix and the now-empty /2021 prefix. If an mc command removes NewYears.jpg, the /NYE21 prefix remains in place since it was explicitly created.

If using mc mv for operations on a filesystem, mc applies this same behavior by recursively trimming empty directory paths up to the root. However, the mc remove API cannot distinguish between an explicitly created directory path and an implicitly created one. If mc mv deletes the last object at a filesystem path, mc recursively deletes all empty directories within that path up to the root as part of the removal operation.

S3 Compatibility

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.