
mc ilm rule import

Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-24T15-21-38Z: mc ilm rule import replaces mc ilm import.


The mc ilm rule import command imports an object lifecycle management configuration and applies it to a MinIO bucket.

The mc ilm rule import command imports from STDIN by default. You can input the contents from a .json file, such as one produced by mc ilm rule export.

The following command imports the lifecycle management configuration from mydata-lifecycle-config.json and applies it to the mydata bucket on the myminio deployment:

mc ilm rule import myminio/mydata < mydata-lifecycle-config.json

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] ilm rule import ALIAS < STDIN
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.



The alias and full path to the bucket on the MinIO deployment into which to import object lifecycle management rules. For example:

mc ilm rule import myminio/mydata < bucket-lifecycle.json

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.


Import the Bucket Lifecycle Management Configuration

The following command imports the bucket lifecycle management configuration from the bucket-lifecycle.json file:

mc ilm rule import myminio/mybucket < bucket-lifecycle.json
mc ilm rule import ALIAS < file.json
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the MinIO deployment and the bucket into which to import object lifecycle management rules:


  • Replace file.json with the name of the file from which to import the lifecycle management rules.

Required Permissions

For permissions required to import rules, refer to the required permissions on the parent command.


Importing Configuration Overrides Existing Rules

mc ilm rule import replaces the current bucket lifecycle management rules with those defined in the imported JSON configuration.

S3 Compatibility

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.