MinIO | MinIO AIStor Object Store Global Console
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Global Console

The Global Console offers a single pane of glass into your MinIO deployments and a launch point for the suite of MinIO AIStor features.


Enterprises don't just want to manage object storage, they want to manage the entire data storage infrastructure. That includes servers, disks and networks. That is what drove the thinking around our new AIStor Console. The console offers a single pane of glass for every instance - on prem, in the public cloud or behind the firewall, built on Kubernetes or bare metal as well as every feature - from the new MinIO AIStor features to the ones that put us on the map.

The MinIO AIStor Console is ideal for those enterprises with multiple MinIO instances. It facilitates operational excellence and superb manageability.


Users can see and manage every MinIO deployment they have. This is the proverbial single pane of glass. Public cloud, private cloud, edge, colo - all visible and manageable. Bare metal, Kubernetes, VMs - all visible and manageable. Multiple geos, connected, airgapped. All visible and manageable (with obvious restrictions on the airgapped ones).


Every MinIO deployment can be managed individually with regard to the Enterprise features and every other feature (ILM, IAM, Replication etc). That means if you want to enable the full suite of enterprise features (Cache, Firewall, KMS, Observability, Catalog) on one deployment you can. A subset of those on another, not a problem.


The AIStor Console has Kubernetes-awareness built in. If your infrastructure is on Kubernetes, you can manage it seamlessly from the AIStor Console using the MinIO Operator capabilities. If your infrastructure is on bare-metal then you won’t even feel the presence of the inbuilt MinIO Operator.

Flexible Permissions

Enable permissions on a feature by feature, deployment by deployment basis. For example, if you want the operations team to have access to observability on all public instances of MinIO - you can enable just that and nothing more.

One to Any Relationship

In the past, there was a 1:1 relationship between your Console and your MinIO instance. Now there is a 1:any relationship.

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Learn more

A Redesigned Global Console for AI-Centric Workloads
A Redesigned Global Console for AI-Centric Workloads
MinIO AIStor Feature Set
MinIO AIStor Feature Set
MinIO High-Performance Object Storage for AI Data Infrastructure
White Paper
MinIO High-Performance Object Storage for AI Data Infrastructure

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