MinIO Console
The MinIO Console is a rich graphical user interface that provides similar functionality to the mc
command line tool.
This page provides an overview of the MinIO Console and describes configuration options and instructions for logging in.
You can use the MinIO Console for administration tasks like Identity and Access Management, Metrics and Log Monitoring, or Server Configuration.
For more comprehensive or advanced configuration of MinIO, use the mc
command line tool.
The MinIO Console is embedded as part of the MinIO Server. You can also deploy a standalone MinIO Console using the instructions in the github repository.
Supported Browsers
MinIO Console runs on a variety of current, stable release browsers.
For the best experience in the MinIO Console, use the latest stable release of your preferred browser. Some browsers that are supported include:
This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change.
For a full list of browsers and versions for running MinIO Console, see the Browserslist website.
MinIO Console does not support Opera Mini.
The MinIO Console inherits the majority of its configuration settings from the MinIO Server. The following environment variables enable specific behavior in the MinIO Console:
Static vs Dynamic Port Assignment
MinIO by default selects a random port for the MinIO Console on each server startup. Browser clients accessing the MinIO Server are automatically redirected to the MinIO Console on its dynamically selected port. This behavior emulates the legacy web browser behavior while reducing the the risk of a port collision on systems which were running MinIO before the embedded Console update.
You can select an explicit static port by passing the
minio server --console-address
commandline option when starting
each MinIO Server in the deployment.
For example, the following command starts a distributed MinIO deployment using
a static port assignment of 9001
for the MinIO Console. This deployment
would respond to S3 API operations on the default MinIO server port :9000
and browser access on the MinIO Console port :9001
minio server https://minio-{1...4}{1...4} \
--console-address ":9001"
Deployments behind network routing components which require static ports for routing rules may require setting a static MinIO Console port. For example, load balancers, reverse proxies, or Kubernetes ingress may by default block or exhibit unexpected behavior with the the dynamic redirection behavior.
You must also ensure that the host system firewall grants access to the configured Console port.
Logging In
Changed in version RELEASE.2023-03-09T23-16-13Z.
The MinIO Console displays a login screen for unauthenticated users. The Console defaults to providing a username and password prompt for a MinIO-managed user.
For deployments configured with multiple identity managers, select the Other Authentication Methods dropdown to select one of the other configured identity providers. You can also log in using credentials generated using a Security Token Service (STS) API.
Try out the Console using MinIO’s Play testing environment
You can explore the Console using Log in with the following credentials:
The Play Console connects to the MinIO Play deployment at
You can also access this deployment using mc
and using the play
The Documentation tab opens this documentation site in a separate browser window or tab.
Available Tasks
Once logged in to the MinIO Console, users can perform many kinds of tasks.
Manage objects by browsing existing objects, uploading objects, or modifying bucket settings.
Review or modify identity and security with access keys, policies, and Identity Provider settings.
Monitor the health and activities with metrics and notifications.