
MinIO Admin Client

The MinIO Client mc command line tool provides The command command for performing administrative tasks on your MinIO deployments.

While mc supports any S3-compatible service, mc admin only supports MinIO deployments.

mc admin has the following syntax:


Command Quick reference

The following table lists mc admin commands:



mc admin cluster bucket

The mc admin cluster bucket command and its subcommands provide tools for manually importing and exporting MinIO bucket metadata.

mc admin cluster iam

The mc admin cluster iam command and its subcommands provide tools for manually importing and exporting MinIO identity and access management (IAM) metadata.

mc admin decommission

The mc admin decommission command starts the decommissioning process for a MinIO server pools. Decommissioning is designed for removing an older server pool whose hardware is no longer sufficient or performant compared to the pools in the deployment. MinIO automatically migrates data from the decommissioned pool to the remaining pools in the deployment based on the ratio of free space available in each pool.

mc admin group

The mc admin group command manages groups on a MinIO deployment.

mc admin heal

The mc admin heal command scans for objects that are damaged or corrupted and heals those objects.

mc admin info

The mc admin info command displays information on a MinIO server. For distributed MinIO deployments, mc admin info displays information for each MinIO server in the deployment.

mc admin kms key

The mc admin kms key command performs cryptographic key management operations through the MinIO Key Encryption Service (KES).

mc admin logs

Use the mc admin logs command to show MinIO server logs.

mc admin policy

The mc admin policy commands manage policies for use with MinIO Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC). MinIO PBAC uses IAM-compatible policy JSON documents to define rules for accessing resources on a MinIO server.

mc admin prometheus

The mc admin prometheus command and its subcommands provide access to MinIO Prometheus metrics.

mc admin rebalance

The mc admin rebalance command allows starts, monitors, or stops a rebalancing operation on a MinIO deployment. Rebalancing redistributes objects across all pools in the deployment.

mc admin replicate

The mc admin replicate command creates and manages site replication for a set of MinIO peer sites.

Site replication mimics an active-active bucket replication, but for multiple MinIO deployments. Wherever a change occurs to IAM settings, buckets, or objects across the set of sites, the change replicates across all sites in the site replication group.

mc admin scanner

The mc admin scanner commands provide information about the scanner process.

mc admin service

The mc admin service command can restart or unfreeze MinIO servers.

mc admin trace

The mc admin trace command displays API operations occurring on the target MinIO deployment.

mc admin update

The mc admin update command updates all MinIO servers in the deployment. The command also supports using a private mirror server for environments where the deployment does not have public internet access.

mc admin user

The mc admin user command and its subcommands manage MinIO users.


The following commands add a temporary extension to your system PATH for running the mc utility. Defer to your operating system instructions for making permanent modifications to your system PATH.

Alternatively, execute mc by navigating to the parent folder and running ./mc --help

64-bit Intel

curl \
  --create-dirs \
  -o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc

chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

mc --help

64-bit PPC

curl \
  --create-dirs \
  -o ~/minio-binaries/mc

chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

mc --help


curl \
  --create-dirs \
  -o ~/minio-binaries/mc

chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/

mc --help

Install from the MinIO Download Page

MinIO does not officially publish its binaries to common Linux repositories or package managers (Ubuntu, RHEL, Archlinux/AUR). The only official source of MinIO binaries is the MinIO Download Page.

MinIO does not recommend installation through a package manager, as upstream repositories may install the incorrect package or a renamed package.

All documentation assumes the installation of the official mc client binary through the download page only, with no changes to binary naming.

brew install minio/stable/mc
mc --help

Open the following file in a browser:

Execute the file by double clicking on it, or by running the following in the command prompt or powershell:

\path\to\mc.exe --help

Installation from source is intended for developers and advanced users and requires a working Golang environment. See How to install Golang.

Run the following commands in a terminal environment to install mc from source:

go install

mc update does not support source-based installations.


Ensure that the host machine has mc installed prior to starting this procedure.


The following example temporarily disables the bash history to mitigate the risk of authentication credentials leaking in plain text. This is a basic security measure and does not mitigate all possible attack vectors. Defer to security best practices for your operating system for inputting sensitive information on the command line.

Use the mc alias set command to add the deployment to the mc configuration.

bash +o history
bash -o history

Replace each argument with the required values. Specifying only the mc config host add command starts an input prompt for entering the required values.

Use the mc admin info command to test the connection to the newly added MinIO deployment:

mc admin info <ALIAS>

Global Options

mc admin supports the same global options as mc. See Global Options.