mc admin logs
SUBNET Registration Required
The mc support
commands are designed for MinIO deployments registered with MinIO pricing to ensure optimal outcome of diagnostics and performance testing.
Deployments not registered with SUBNET cannot use the mc support
Changed in version RELEASE.2022-12-02T23-48-47Z: mc support logs
moved to mc admin logs
and provide a simpler command interface for displaying server logs for the MinIO deployment.
The output is similar to what is available via journalctl -uf minio
for systemd-controlled deployments.
Use the mc admin logs
command to show MinIO server logs.
The uploading feature remains disabled by default until explicitly enabled for a deployment on an opt-in only basis.
If enabled, you can disable the feature at any time with mc support callhome disable
Show Logs for a Deployment
The following command displays the most recent ten server logs of any type for the alias minio1
mc admin logs minio1
Show Last 5 Log Entries for a Node
The following command shows the most recent five log entries for a node1
on the deployment with alias minio1
mc admin logs --last 5 myminio node1
Show Application Type Log Entires for a Deployment
The following command shows log entries of the type application
for all nodes on the deployment with alias minio1
mc admin logs --type application minio1
The command has the following syntax:
mc admin logs [GLOBAL FLAGS] \
[--last, -l value] \
[--type, -t value] \
- Required
The alias of the MinIO deployment.
- --last, -l
- Optional
Show only the most recent specified number of log entries.
If this flag is not included, up to the last 10 log entries show.
Global Flags
This command supports any of the global flags.