
mc admin replicate

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-01-11T03-14-16Z:


The mc admin replicate command creates and manages site replication for a set of MinIO peer sites.

Site replication mimics an active-active bucket replication, but for multiple MinIO deployments. Wherever a change occurs to IAM settings, buckets, or objects across the set of sites, the change replicates across all sites in the site replication group.

Where bucket replication manages the mirroring of particular buckets or objects from one location to another within a deployment or across deployments, site replication continuously mirrors an entire MinIO site to other sites.

mc admin replicate only supports site replication for distributed deployments when configuring site replication.

Only one deployment can have any data when initiating a new site replication configuration.

Site replication enforces bucket versioning on all buckets, including existing buckets and any buckets added after initiating site replication. Site replication fully synchronizes versioned objects, compared to mc mirror which operates only on the latest version of an object

Use mc admin on MinIO Deployments Only

MinIO does not support using mc admin commands with other S3-compatible services, regardless of their claimed compatibility with MinIO deployments.

The mc admin replicate command has the following subcommands:



mc admin replicate add

Create a new site replication configuration or expand an existing configuration.

mc admin replicate info

Returns information about site replication configuration.

mc admin replicate resync

Resynchronizes content from one site to a second site if the second site has lost data.

mc admin replicate rm

Removes an entire site replication configuration or one or more peer sites from participating in site replication.

mc admin replicate status

Displays the status for replicable data across participating sites.

mc admin replicate update

Modify the endpoint of the specified peer site in the site replication configuration.


mc admin replicate add

Create or expand a site replication configuration. The configuration uses asynchronous site replication by default, as MinIO recommends.

To enable synchronous site replication, create the replication using this command first. Then use mc admin replicate update --mode sync to update the configuration.

Consider a multi-site MinIO topology with three separate MinIO deployments using the following aliases: minio1, minio2, and minio3. All three sites have complete bidirectional network access and low latency between sites.

mc admin replicate add minio1 minio2 minio3

The following command expands an existing site replication that includes peer site minio1 to an additional peer site, minio5. minio5 contains no data.

mc admin replicate add minio1 minio5

The following command creates a new site replication configuration with ILM expiration rule synchronization between peer sites minio1, minio2, and minio3.

mc admin replicate add minio1 minio2 minio3 --replicate-ilm-expiry

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin replicate add      \
                            ALIAS1        \
                            ALIAS2        \
                            [ALIAS3 ...]  \

The alias of a MinIO deployment to include in site replication.

At least two MinIO deployment aliases are required to create a site replication. Only the first alias can have buckets or objects. The first site can also be empty.

To expand an existing site replication to one more new replication sites, the first alias must be a peer site in the site replication set to expand. Then include one or more additional aliases to add to the existing site replication. The deployments to add must be empty.


New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Replicate ILM expiration rules across peers.

mc admin replicate update

Modifies the endpoint used for an existing peer site participating in site replication.

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-01-11T03-14-16Z: mc admin replicate edit renamed to mc admin replicate update.

mc admin replicate update                                                   \
                   minio2                                                 \
                   --deployment-id c1758167-4426-454f-9aae-5c3dfdf6df64   \
                   --endpoint https://minio2:9000

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin replicate update                     \
                            ALIAS                           \
                            --deployment-id [deploymentID]  \
                            --endpoint [newEndpoint]        \
                            --mode ["sync" | "async"]       \
                            --enable-ilm-expiry-replication \

The alias of the MinIO deployment.


Set default bandwidth limit for bucket in bits per second.

Valid units include:

  • B for bytes

  • K for kilobytes

  • M for megabytes

  • G for gigabytes

  • T for terabytes

  • Ki for kibibytes

  • Mi for mibibytes

  • Gi for gibibytes

  • Ti for tebibytes

For example, the following command limits the replication on the myminio deployment to no more than 2 Gigabytes per second.

mc admin replicate update myminio --deployment-id c1758167-4426-454f-9aae-5c3dfdf6df64 --bucket-bandwidth "2G"

The unique id of the deployment to change.

The deployment ID can be found by running mc admin replicate info ALIAS


New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Stops the replication of ILM expiration rules between peer sites. Existing rules already synchronized across peers are not removed from any peer site.


New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Start replication of ILM expiration rules between peer sites.


The new endpoint or URL to associate with the peer site.


Specify whether MinIO performs replication operations to the peer synchronously or asynchronously. Available values are sync and async.

Defaults to async.



The --sync flag has been deprecated as of RELEASE.2023-07-07T05-25-51Z. Use --mode instead.

Enable or disable synchronous site replication. Available values are enable and disable. If not defined, MInIO uses asynchronous site replication.

mc admin replicate rm, remove

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-01-11T03-14-16Z: The mc admin replicate remove subcommand renamed to mc admin replicate rm.

Removes one or more sites from a site replication configuration.

Remember, if you intend to re-add the site to a site replication configuration in the future, it must be empty of replicable data.

Remove site replication for all connected sites for an existing site replication configuration that includes minio2. This deletes the site replication configuration for all participating sites.

mc admin replicate rm      \
                   minio2  \
                   --all   \

Remove the sites with alias names minio5 and minio6 from an existing site replication configuration that includes minio2

mc admin replicate rm      \
                   minio2  \
                   minio5  \
                   minio6  \

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin rm          \
                       TARGET      \
                       ALIAS1      \
                       [ALIAS2...] \
                       --all       \

The alias of an active MinIO deployment participating in the site replication to target. Do not use an alias of a deployment to be removed, unless removing all sites from site replication.


The alias of an active MinIO deployment to remove from a site replication configuration. May be repeated to remove additional sites.


Include this flag to remove all sites configured for site replication and end the site replication configuration.


This flag forces the removal of the specified peer site(s) from the site replication configuration.

mc admin replicate info

Returns information about the sites in the site replication configuration.

mc admin replicate info minio1
mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin replicate info ALIAS

The alias of an active MinIO deployment in the site replication configuration.

mc admin replicate status

Displays the status of the sites, buckets, users, groups, or policies for a site replication configuration.

Display the overall replication status for a site replication configuration that includes the site minio1.

mc admin replicate status minio1

Display the replication status of buckets across sites for a site replication configuration that includes the site minio1.

mc admin replicate status     \
                   minio1     \

Display the site replication status of a bucket called images across sites for a site replication configuration that contains the site minio1.

mc admin replicate status           \
                    minio1          \
                    --bucket images

Display the site replication status for the setting for a user, janedoe, across sites for a site replication configuration that contains the site minio1.

mc admin replicate status         \
                   minio1         \
                   --user janedoe

The output of the above examples resembles the following:

Bucket replication status:
●  30/30 Buckets in sync

Policy replication status:
●  5/5 Policies in sync

User replication status:
●  3/3 Users in sync

Group replication status:
No Groups present

ILM Expiry Rules replication status:
●  5/5 ILM Expiry Rules in sync

Object replication status:
Replication status since 1 day
Replicated:    0 objects (0 B)
Queued:        - 0 objects, (0 B) (avg: 0 objects, 0 B; max: 0 objects, 0 B)
Received:      0 objects (0 B)

Display the site replication status across sites for the ILM expiration rule with rule ID of ckok9v5b4dtgofkbi6tg for a site replication configuration that contains the site minio1.

mc admin replicate status minio1 --ilm-expiry-rule ckok9v5b4dtgofkbi6tg

The output resembles the following:

●  ILM Expiry Rule replication summary for: ckok9v5b4dtgofkbi6tg

ILMExpiryRule   | MINIO1          | MINIO2
ILM Expiry Rule ||
mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin replicate status          \
                   TARGET                        \
                   [--all]                       \
                   [--buckets]                   \
                   [--bucket nameOfBucket]       \
                   [--groups]                    \
                   [--group nameOfGroup]         \
                   [--ilm-expiry-rules]          \
                   [--ilm-expiry-rule <rule ID>] \
                   [--policies]                  \
                   [--policy nameOfPolicy]       \
                   [--users]                     \
                   [--user accessKey]

The alias of an active MinIO deployment in the site replication configuration.


Display all available site replication status information.


Display the replication status of all buckets.


Display the replication status of a specific bucket by including the bucket name after the flag.


Display the replication status of all groups.


Display the replication status of a specific group by including the group name after the flag.


New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Display sync information about ILM expiration rules.

Mutually exclusive with --ilm-expiry-rule


New in version mc: RELEASE.2023-12-02T02-03-28Z

Display replication status information about the specified ILM expiration rule.

Mutually exclusive with --ilm-expiry-rules


Display the replication status of all policies.


Display the replication status of a specific policy by including the policy name after the flag.


Display the replication status of all users.


Display the replication status of a specific user by including the user name after the flag.

mc admin replicate resync

Resynchronizes data from one site in the replication configuration to a second site in the replication configuration in the event of lost data.

The following command starts a resynchronization process to restore minio2 from minio1

mc admin replicate resync start minio1 minio2

The following command shows the status of a resynchronization currently in progress.

mc admin replicate resync status minio1 minio2

The following command stops a resynchronization that is in progress.

mc admin replicate resync cancel minio1 minio2
mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin replicate resync start|status|cancel ALIAS1 ALIAS2
  • Replace ALIAS1 with the alias for the site that has the data to restore.

  • Replace ALIAS2 with the alias for the site that needs resynched data.


Launches a new resynchronization process from one site with data to a second site that needs synchronization.


Shows the status of an existing resynchronization process between two sites configured for site replication.


Ends a resynchronization process currently in progress between two sites configured for site replication.


The alias of an active MinIO deployment in the site replication configuration with the data you want to resync to another site.


The alias of an active MinIO deployment in the site replication configuration that needs data resynced from another site.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.