
mc admin update


The mc admin update command updates all MinIO servers in the deployment. The command also supports using a private mirror server for environments where the deployment does not have public internet access.

After running the command, a prompt displays to confirm the update. Type y and [ENTER] to confirm and proceed with the update. You may need to use sudo if your user does not have write permissions for the path where mc is installed.

Use mc admin on MinIO Deployments Only

MinIO does not support using mc admin commands with other S3-compatible services, regardless of their claimed compatibility with MinIO deployments.


Updates are Non-Disruptive

mc admin update updates the binary and restarts all MinIO servers in the deployment simultaneously. MinIO operations are atomic and strictly consistent and as such the restart process is non-disruptive to applications.

MinIO strongly recommends only performing simultaneous upgrade-and-restart procedures. Do not perform “rolling” (that is, one node at a time) upgrade procedures.


Use mc admin update to update each minio server process in the MinIO deployment:

mc admin update ALIAS

Replace ALIAS with the alias of the MinIO deployment.

After running the command, answer yes to the prompt to confirm and process the update.


mc admin update has the following syntax:

mc admin update ALIAS         \
                [MIRROR_URL]  \

mc admin update supports the following arguments:


The alias of the MinIO deployment to update.

If the specified ALIAS corresponds to a distributed MinIO deployment, mc admin update updates all MinIO servers in the deployment at the same time.

Use mc alias list to review the configured aliases and their corresponding MinIO deployment endpoints.


The mirror URL of the minio server binary to use for updating MinIO servers in the ALIAS deployment.

--yes, -y

Pass this flag to confirm the update and bypass the confirmation prompt.


Binary Compression

Changed in version RELEASE.2024-01-28T22-35-53Z: mc admin update compresses the binary before sending to all nodes in the deployment.

This feature does not apply to systemctl managed deployments.