API Overview

By default, KES requires a valid certificate for any API call. Requests without a certificate fail with a TLS error.

You can disable the requirement for a valid certificate when calling some endpoints in the KES configuration file.

If any endpoint does not require a certificate, failed calls result in an HTTP error instead of a TLS error.

/version Get version information.
/ready Return KES server readiness.
/v1/api Get a list of supported API endpoints.
/v1/metrics Get server metrics in the Prometheus exposition format.
/v1/status Get server status information.
/v1/key/create Create a new cryptographic key.
/v1/key/import Import a cryptographic key.
/v1/key/delete Delete a cryptographic key.
/v1/key/list List cryptographic keys.
/v1/key/generate Generate a new plain/encrypted data encryption key pair.
/v1/key/encrypt Encrypt a (small) plaintext with a key.
/v1/key/decrypt Decrypt a (small) ciphertext with a key.
Policy API
/v1/policy/describe Fetch information about a policy.
/v1/policy/read Fetch a policy.
/v1/policy/list List policies.
Identity API
/v1/identity/describe Fetch information about an identity.
/v1/identity/self/describe Fetch information about the identity issuing the request.
/v1/identity/list List identities.
/v1/log/audit Subscribe to the audit log.
/v1/log/error Subscribe to the error log.


Method Path Content-Type
GET /version application/json

Get the KES server version information.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "version": "2023-10-03T00-48-37Z",
  "commit": "9d1b5ad6dbdd963beabfbc91eb1ca0d330d5cd3d"


Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/ready application/json

The KES server readiness probe. Returns 200 OK if KES is ready.

You can disable the requirement for a valid certificate when calling this endpoint in the KES configuration file.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    -I \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 16:29:49 GMT
Content-Length: 0


Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/api application/json

Get a list of API endpoints supported by the server.

You can disable the requirement for a valid certificate when calling this endpoint in the KES configuration file.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/version",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/status",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/metrics",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/api",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/v1/key/create/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/v1/key/import/",
    "max_body": 1048576,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "DELETE",
    "path": "/v1/key/delete/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/v1/key/generate/",
    "max_body": 1048576,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/v1/key/encrypt/",
    "max_body": 1048576,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "PUT",
    "path": "/v1/key/decrypt/",
    "max_body": 1048576,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/key/list/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/policy/describe/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/policy/read/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/policy/list/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/identity/describe/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/identity/self/describe",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/identity/list/",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 15
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/log/error",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 0
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/log/audit",
    "max_body": 0,
    "timeout": 0


Method Path
GET /v1/metrics

Get server metrics.

For example, the total number of requests. Metrics return in the Prometheus exposition format.

You can disable the requirement for a valid certificate when calling this endpoint in the KES configuration file.

# TYPE kes_http_request_active gauge
kes_http_request_active 0

# TYPE kes_http_request_error counter
kes_http_request_error 0

# TYPE kes_http_request_failure counter
kes_http_request_failure 0

# TYPE kes_http_request_success counter
kes_http_request_success 0

# TYPE kes_http_response_time histogram
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.25"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="1"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="1.5"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="3"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="5"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="10"} 0
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 0
kes_http_response_time_sum 0
kes_http_response_time_count 0

# TYPE kes_log_audit_events counter
kes_log_audit_events 0

# TYPE kes_log_error_events counter
kes_log_error_events 0

# TYPE kes_system_up_time gauge
kes_system_up_time 0

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

# HELP kes_http_request_active Number of active requests that are not finished, yet.
# TYPE kes_http_request_active gauge
kes_http_request_active 0
# HELP kes_http_request_error Number of request that failed due to some error. (HTTP 4xx status code)
# TYPE kes_http_request_error counter
kes_http_request_error 22462
# HELP kes_http_request_failure Number of request that failed due to some internal failure. (HTTP 5xx status code)
# TYPE kes_http_request_failure counter
kes_http_request_failure 0
# HELP kes_http_request_success Number of requests that have been served successfully.
# TYPE kes_http_request_success counter
kes_http_request_success 2.277925e+06
# HELP kes_http_response_time Histogram of request response times spawning from 10ms to 10s.
# TYPE kes_http_response_time histogram
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.01"} 2.279745e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.05"} 2.291429e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.1"} 2.29555e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.25"} 2.299088e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="0.5"} 2.299715e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="1"} 2.300182e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="1.5"} 2.300256e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="3"} 2.300329e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="5"} 2.300364e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="10"} 2.300383e+06
kes_http_response_time_bucket{le="+Inf"} 2.300387e+06
kes_http_response_time_sum 3503.8908393496145
kes_http_response_time_count 2.300387e+06
# HELP kes_log_audit_events Number of audit log events written to the audit log targets.
# TYPE kes_log_audit_events counter
kes_log_audit_events 2.300387e+06
# HELP kes_log_error_events Number of error log events written to the error log targets.
# TYPE kes_log_error_events counter
kes_log_error_events 59
# HELP kes_system_up_time The time the server has been up and running in seconds.
# TYPE kes_system_up_time gauge
kes_system_up_time 837876.75


Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/status application/json

Get the current status of the KES server. If the server is up, the request returns 200 OK and a JSON document that describes status-related server information. The information the response returns includes the following:

  • Version
  • Uptime (in seconds)
  • OS and CPU architecture
  • Current memory consumption
  • Keystore status
  • Keystore latency (in ms)

You can disable the requirement for a valid certificate when calling this endpoint in the KES configuration file.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "version": "2023-10-03T00-48-37Z",
  "os": "linux",
  "arch": "amd64",
  "uptime": 724306, // in seconds
  "num_cpu": 4,
  "num_cpu_used": 4,
  "mem_heap_used": 4960704,
  "mem_stack_used": 1081344,
  "keystore_latency": 1 // in milliseconds


Create Key

Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/create/<name> application/json

Create a new cryptographic key.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \

Import Key

Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/import/<name> application/json

Import a cryptographic key into the KES server.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{"bytes":"uNta318uv2GvEmMs5U4HiIWE/GtrpADR0cYZg+nhrkI="}' \

Delete Key

Method Path Content-Type
DELETE /v1/key/delete/<name> application/json

Delete a new cryptographic key.

Warning: This is a dangerous operation. You cannot decrypt any data encrypted by a key after deleting the key. This operation may cause data loss.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request DELETE \

List Keys

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/key/list/<prefix> application/json

List all key names. Specify an optional prefix to list only key names starting with that prefix.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "names": [ "key-0", "key-1", "key-2" ],
  "continue_at": "key-3" 

Generate Key

Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/generate/<name> application/json

Generate a new data encryption key (DEK).

The DEK is a plaintext-ciphertext pair. The plaintext is a randomly generated key that can be used for cryptographic operations, such as encrypting data. The ciphertext is the plaintext encrypted with the key <name> at the KES server. Since this key never leaves the KES server, only the KES server can decrypt the generated ciphertext.

An application should use the plaintext DEK for a cryptographic operation. The application should remember both the ciphertext DEK and which key <name> was used.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{}' \

Sample Response

  "plaintext": "TIDXCHZxPr84r7ktggCCW7otoz5T4zsRENi4THCjXPo=",
  "ciphertext": "eyJhZWFkIjoiQUVTLTI1Ni1HQ00iLCJpdiI6ImJWbHRZVDdpUEtxUjNFYWpvaHp3cmc9PSIsIm5vbmNlIjoiSWxqaHBNcWViUUF5d1MxbyIsImJ5dGVzIjoiYlpNL1liU0E4ZSswVnFSUDhaR2UvdDJHQThrbzRBeXcwNGZBam1KWkIxKzk2OTg4VXYwcFJmRjEvS3poM1hGeCJ9"

Encrypt Key

Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/encrypt/<name> application/json

Decrypts and authenticates a small plaintext with the cryptographic key. The plaintext must not exceed 1 MB. Use the Encrypt Key endpoint for wrapping small data, such as another cryptographic key.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{"plaintext":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhCg=="}' \

Sample Response

  "ciphertext": "eyJhZWFkIjoiQUVTLTI1Ni1HQ00tSE1BQy1TSEEtMjU2IiwiaXYiOiIwUXJ0alUvWDJtUEtUK3A1R3JwdktRPT0iLCJub25jZSI6ImpxOGliYXVxKzY0dEZBM0kiLCJieXRlcyI6Im1MQ21hdzVxQW9acXpwOTJoMjZuRTJWR01BVkdCTTlJalNtT05SYz0ifQ=="

Decrypt Key

Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/decrypt/<name> application/json

Decrypts a ciphertext with the cryptographic key. Returns the corresponding plaintext if and only if the ciphertext is authentic and has been produced by the named key.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{"ciphertext":"eyJhZWFkIjoiQUVTLTI1Ni1HQ00iLCJpdiI6ImJWbHRZVDdpUEtxUjNFYWpvaHp3cmc9PSIsIm5vbmNlIjoiSWxqaHBNcWViUUF5d1MxbyIsImJ5dGVzIjoiYlpNL1liU0E4ZSswVnFSUDhaR2UvdDJHQThrbzRBeXcwNGZBam1KWkIxKzk2OTg4VXYwcFJmRjEvS3poM1hGeCJ9"}' \

Sample Response

  "plaintext": "TIDXCHZxPr84r7ktggCCW7otoz5T4zsRENi4THCjXPo="


Method Path Content-Type
PUT /v1/key/hmac/ application/json

Compute a message authentication code (MAC) for the data passed in the request. Use this to verify that messages are authentic or to generate the same pseudo-random secret on startup.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request PUT \
    --data '{"message":"Data to use to generate the HMAC secret"}'

Sample Response

  "hmac": "5ded46b0e5450b0790637d71e453bce1fdae61f25a34c211216906a99791c6a5"

Policy API

Describe Policy

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/policy/describe/<policy> application/json

Describes a policy by returning its metadata. For example, retrieves who created the policy and when did they create it.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

   "name": "my-policy",
   "created_at": "2020-03-24T12:37:33Z",
   "created_by": "2ed3c8c81376106d14a3374e901aa1ec59a978db3133c9619ba526ce6754d2e6"

Read Policy

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/policy/read/<policy> application/json

Get a policy from the KES server.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "allow": {
    "/v1/key/generate/my-key": {},
    "/v1/key/decrypt/my-key": {}
  "deny": {    
    "/v1/key/decrypt/my-key-internal*": {}

List Policy

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/policy/list/<prefix> application/json

List all policy names. Specify an optional prefix to list only policy names starting with that prefix.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "names": ["my-policy", "my-policy-2"],
  "continue_at": ""

Identity API

Describe Identity

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/identity/describe/<identity> application/json

Describes an identity by returning its metadata. For example, use this endpoint to determine the currently assigned policy or whether it is an admin identity.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

   "policy": "minio",
   "admin": false,
   "created_at": "2020-03-24T12:37:33Z",
   "created_by": "2ed3c8c81376106d14a3374e901aa1ec59a978db3133c9619ba526ce6754d2e6"

Self Describe Identity

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/identity/self/describe application/json

Describes the identity issuing the request. It infers the identity from the TLS client certificate used to authenticate. It returns the identity and policy information for the client identity.

The self-describe API endpoint is publicly available and does not require any special permissions. Any client can query its own identity and policy information.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "identity": "3ecfcdf38fcbe141ae26a1030f81e96b753365a46760ae6b578698a97c59fd22",
  "admin": true,
  "created_at": "2022-03-28T13:02:32.837365Z",
  "policy": {
    "Allow": null,
    "Deny": null

List Identity

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/identity/list/<prefix> application/json

List all identities. Specify an optional prefix to list only identities starting with that prefix.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

  "identities": [ 
  "continue_at": ""


Audit Log

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/log/audit application/x-ndjson

Connect to the KES server audit log such that all new audit events stream to the client.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

{"time":"2020-02-06T16:51:55Z","request":{"path":"/v1/log/audit/trace","identity":"dd46485bedc9ad2909d2e8f9017216eec4413bc5c64b236d992f7ec19c843c5f"},"response":{"code":200, "time":1200}}
{"time":"2020-02-06T16:52:18Z","request":{"path":"/v1/policy/list/*","identity":"dd46485bedc9ad2909d2e8f9017216eec4413bc5c64b236d992f7ec19c843c5f"},"response":{"code":200, "time":2800}}
{"time":"2020-02-06T16:52:25Z","request":{"path":"/v1/identity/list/*","identity":"dd46485bedc9ad2909d2e8f9017216eec4413bc5c64b236d992f7ec19c843c5f"},"response":{"code":200, "time":1640}}

Error Log

Method Path Content-Type
GET /v1/log/error application/x-ndjson

Connect to the KES server error log such that all new error events stream to the client.

Sample Request

$ curl \
    --key root.key \
    --cert root.cert \
    --request GET \

Sample Response

{"message":"2020/03/24 14:46:10 aws: secret was not encrypted with '4f9147d9-a676-47cd-ad3f-3485abf9123d'"}
{"message":"2020/03/24 14:46:17 aws: the CMK 'ff8e2c25-b259-4f74-a001-c7b62d17e0a4' does not exist"}
{"message":"2020/03/24 14:46:25 aws: the CMK '8fc17745-9647-4797-b170-afd8b52ed7c0' cannot be used for decryption"}