
mc admin scanner status


The mc admin scanner status command displays a real-time summary of scanner information for a MinIO Server.

This command has an alias of mc admin scanner info.

Use mc admin on MinIO Deployments Only

MinIO does not support using mc admin commands with other S3-compatible services, regardless of their claimed compatibility with MinIO deployments.

The following example returns information about the current state of the scanner process.

mc admin scanner status myminio

The command returns results similar to the following:

Overall Statistics
Last full scan time:   0d0h15m; Estimated 2879.79/month
Current cycle:         (between cycles)
Active drives: 0

Last Minute Statistics
Objects Scanned:       3 objects; Avg: 67.611µs; Rate: 4320/day
Versions Scanned:      3 versions; Avg: 2.506µs; Rate: 4320/day
Versions Heal Checked: 0 versions; Avg: 0ms
Read Metadata:         3 objects; Avg: 40.817µs, Size: 395 bytes/obj
ILM checks:            3 versions; Avg: 714ns
Check Replication:     3 versions; Avg: 892ns
Verify Deleted:        0 folders; Avg: 0ms
Yield:                 18ms total; Avg: 6ms/obj

The command has the following syntax:

mc admin scanner status ALIAS
                       [--bucket <string>]     \
                       [--interval <value>]   \
                       [--max-paths <value>]  \
                       [-n <integer>]         \
                       [--nodes <string>]
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.



The alias of the MinIO deployment for which to display scanner API operations.


Filter scanner statistics to the specified bucket.


The number of seconds to wait between status request refreshes. If not specified, the status refreshes every 3 seconds.


The maximum number of active paths to show. Use -1 for an unlimited number of paths.

Limiting the number of paths shown can reduce the scrolling of the console window when there are a large number of drives being scanned.

If not specified, the results return for an unlimited number of active paths.


The number of status requests to return before automatically exiting. Use 0 to return an unlimited number of status results.

If not specified, the results continuously refresh at the specified interval until manually exited.


Returns scanner status information for the specified node(s). Specify multiple nodes as a comma-separated list.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.