
mc replicate backlog

Changed in version mc.RELEASE.2023-07-18T21-05-38Z: mc replicate diff has been renamed mc replicate backlog. No functionality has changed.


The mc replicate backlog shows a list of unreplicated new or deleted objects.

You can list the replication status of objects for a particular remote target. To do so, you must have the ARN of the remote target. You can use retrieve the remote targets configured for a bucket to find the ARN.


The following command shows new or deleted objects in the notes bucket of the teamorange/projects prefix on the myminio alias that have not yet replicated to a specific remote target bucket. The remote target’s ARN is arn:minio:replication::3bb8c736-4014-42c5-b3cb-d64e3ebaa75e:notes.

mc replicate backlog myminio/notes/teamorange/projects --arn arn:minio:replication::3bb8c736-4014-42c5-b3cb-d64e3ebaa75e:notes

If any new or deleted objects have not yet replicated, the command outputs something similar to the following:

[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:59 UTC]          478efe49-aa9d-46ab-8268-45b70cc4c341 PUT agenda.docx
[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:15 UTC]          b283bf43-319f-455a-a779-3c2e669fad88 PUT budget-meeting.docx

In the output, PUT corresponds to a new object. Deleted objects or versions would show DEL.

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] replicate backlog   \
                 [--arn "string"]    \
  • Brackets [] indicate optional parameters.

  • Parameters sharing a line are mutually dependent.

  • Parameters separated using the pipe | operator are mutually exclusive.

Copy the example to a text editor and modify as-needed before running the command in the terminal/shell.



The path to the alias, prefix, or object.


The ARN of the remote bucket to check for new or deleted objects that have not yet replicated.

When specified, the command returns a list of any new or deleted objects that have not replicated to the remote target. If not specified, the command returns a list of new or deleted objects on the source deployment that have not replicated to any remote target.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.


View Unreplicated Versions of Objects at a Prefix

Display unreplicated PUT and DELETE actions for a prefix:

mc replicate backlog myminio/mybucket/path/to/prefix
  • Replace myminio/mybucket with the ALIAS and full bucket path for which to create the replication configuration.

  • Replace path/to/prefix with the prefix or object to use for the request.

If unreplicated objects exist, the output returns a list of the actions that created or removed objects at the prefix that have not replicated to a remote target:

[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:59 UTC]          478efe49-aa9d-46ab-8268-45b70cc4c341 PUT agenda.docx
[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:15 UTC]          b283bf43-319f-455a-a779-3c2e669fad88 PUT budget-meeting.docx

View Unreplicated Objects at a Specific Remote Target

The following mc replicate backlog command shows unreplicated objects at an alias/bucket/prefix path for a specific remote target:

mc replicate backlog myminio/mybucket/path/to/prefix --arn <remote-arn>
  • Replace myminio/mybucket with the ALIAS and full bucket path for which to show unreplicated objects.

  • Replace the path/to/prefix with the desired prefix or object path.

  • Replace <remote-arn> with the resource number for a specific remote target.

If unreplicated objects exist, the output returns a list of the actions that created or removed objects that have not replicated to the remote target:

[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:59 UTC]          478efe49-aa9d-46ab-8268-45b70cc4c341 PUT agenda.docx
[0001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC] [2022-10-06 17:18:15 UTC]          b283bf43-319f-455a-a779-3c2e669fad88 PUT budget-meeting.docx

S3 Compatibility

The mc commandline tool is built for compatibility with the AWS S3 API and is tested with MinIO and AWS S3 for expected functionality and behavior.

MinIO provides no guarantees for other S3-compatible services, as their S3 API implementation is unknown and therefore unsupported. While mc commands may work as documented, any such usage is at your own risk.