
mc admin profile


This command has been replaced by mc support profile as of mc RELEASE.2023-04-06T16-51-10Z.


The mc admin profile command generates profiling data for debugging purposes.

Use mc admin on MinIO Deployments Only

MinIO does not support using mc admin commands with other S3-compatible services, regardless of their claimed compatibility with MinIO deployments.

Profile Data Format

mc admin profile produces a ZIP archive that contains one or more .pprof files. Use the pprof go utility to read the profile data.


Profile Data for Single Resource

Use mc admin profile start with the type flag to start profiling the resource:

mc admin profile start --type "TYPE" ALIAS
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the MinIO host.

  • Replace TYPE with the resource to profile.

Use mc admin profile stop to stop profiling data from the specified resource and output the results:

mc admin profile stop

The command outputs the profiled data as

Profile Data for Multiple Resources

Use mc admin profile start with the type flag to start profiling the resources:

mc admin profile start --type "TYPE,[TYPE...]" ALIAS
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of the MinIO host.

  • Replace TYPE with the resources to profile. Specify multiple resources as a comma-separated list.

Use mc admin profile stop to stop profiling data from the specified resources and output the results:

mc admin profile stop

The command outputs the profiled data as


mc admin profile has the following syntax:

mc admin profile SUBCOMMAND

mc admin profile supports the following subcommands:

mc admin profile start

Starts collecting profiling data on the target MinIO deployment. The command has the following syntax:

mc admin profile start [FLAGS] TARGET

mc admin profile start supports the following arguments:


The alias of a configured MinIO deployment from which the command collects profiling data.


The type(s) of profiling data to collect from the TARGET MinIO deployment.

Specify one or more of the following supported types as a comma-separated list:

  • cpu

  • mem

  • block

  • mutex

  • trace

  • threads

  • goroutines

Defaults to cpu,mem,block if omitted.

mc admin profile stop

Stops the profiling process and returns the collected data as The zip file contains one or more .pprof files which are readable with programs like the go pprof utility.

The command has the following syntax:

mc admin profile stop TARGET

The command supports the following arguments:


The alias of a configured MinIO deployment from which the command returns available profiling data.