
mc admin idp ldap policy

Changed in version RELEASE.2023-05-26T23-31-54Z: mc admin idp ldap policy and its subcommands replaced by mc idp ldap policy.


The mc admin idp ldap policy command allows you to view the mapping relationships between policies and the associated groups or users.

The mc admin idp ldap policy command has the following subcommands:



mc admin idp ldap policy attach

Attach a policy to an entity

mc admin idp ldap policy detach

Detach a policy from an entity

mc admin idp ldap policy entities

List policy entity mappings



Attach one or more polices to entity.

The following example attaches two policies, policy1 and policy2, to the projectb group on the myminio deployment.

 mc admin idp ldap policy attach myminio/                                               \
                                 policy1                                                \
                                 policy2                                                \

The following example attaches the policy, userpolicy, to the user bobfisher on the myminio deployment.

 mc admin idp ldap policy attach myminio/                                               \
                                 mypolicy                                               \
                                 policy2                                                \

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin idp ldap policy attach     \
                                POLICYNAME        \
                                [POLICY2] ...     \
                                ALIAS             \
                                [--user=`USER`]   \
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a MinIO deployment to configure for AD/LDAP integration.

  • Replace POLICYNAME with the policy to attach to the entity. You may list multiple policies to attach to the entity.

  • Use must use one of either the --user or --group flag. You may only use the flag once in the command. You cannot use both flags in the same command.


Detach one or more policies from an entity.

The following example detaches two policies, policy1 and policy2, from the projectb group on the myminio deployment.

 mc admin idp ldap policy detach myminio/                                               \
                                 policy1                                                \
                                 policy2                                                \

The following example detaches the policy, userpolicy, from the user bobfisher on the myminio deployment.

 mc admin idp ldap policy detach myminio/                                               \
                                 mypolicy                                               \
                                 policy2                                                \

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin idp ldap policy detach     \
                                POLICYNAME        \
                                [POLICY2] ...     \
                                ALIAS             \
                                [--user=`USER`]   \
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a MinIO deployment to configure for AD/LDAP integration.

  • Replace POLICYNAME with the policy to detach from the entity. You may list multiple policies to detach from the entity.

  • Use must use one of either the --user or --group flag. You may only use the flag once in the command. You cannot use both flags in the same command.


Display a list of mappings for a user, group, and/or policy.

The following example lists all mappings for a specific policy, a set of groups, and a selection of users on the myminio deployment.

Specifically, it lists - Users mapped to the finteam-policy policy. - Policies assigned to the uid=bobfisher,ou=people,ou=hwengg,dc=min,dc=io user - Policies assigned to the cn=projectb,ou=groups,ou=swengg,dc=min,dc=io group

 mc admin idp ldap policy entities myminio/                                            \
                              --policy finteam-policy                                  \
                              --user 'uid=bobfisher,ou=people,ou=hwengg,dc=min,dc=io'  \
                              --group 'cn=projectb,ou=groups,ou=swengg,dc=min,dc=io'

The command has the following syntax:

mc [GLOBALFLAGS] admin idp ldap policy entities                \
                                ALIAS                          \
                                [--user `value`, -u `value`]   \
                                [--group `value`, -g `value`]  \
                                [--policy value]
  • Replace ALIAS with the alias of a MinIO deployment to configure for AD/LDAP integration.

  • You may use each of the --user, --group, and/or --policy flags as many times as desired in the command.

  • For each flag, the output lists the entities mapped to the specified policy, user, or group.

  • Omit all flags to return a list of mappings for all policies.

Global Flags

This command supports any of the global flags.