
Deploy a MinIO Tenant with Helm Charts


Helm is a tool for automating the deployment of applications to Kubernetes clusters. A Helm chart is a set of YAML files, templates, and other files that define the deployment details. The following procedure uses a Helm Chart to deploy a Tenant managed by the MinIO Operator.

This procedure requires the Kubernetes cluster have a valid Operator deployment. You cannot use the MinIO Operator Tenant chart to deploy a Tenant independent of the Operator.


The MinIO Operator Tenant Chart is distinct from the community-managed MinIO Chart.

The Community Helm Chart is built, maintained, and supported by the community. MinIO does not guarantee support for any given bug, feature request, or update referencing that chart.

The Operator Tenant Chart is officially maintained and supported by MinIO. MinIO strongly recommends the official Helm Chart for Operator and Tenants for production environments.


You must meet the following requirements to install a MinIO Tenant with Helm:

  • An existing Kubernetes cluster

  • The kubectl CLI tool on your local host with version matching the cluster.

  • Helm version 3.8 or greater.

  • yq version 4.18.1 or greater.

  • An existing MinIO Operator installation.

This procedure assumes your Kubernetes cluster access grants you broad administrative permissions.

For more about Tenant installation requirements, including supported Kubernetes versions and TLS certificates, see the Tenant deployment prerequisites.

This procedure assumes familiarity the with referenced Kubernetes concepts and utilities. While this documentation may provide guidance for configuring or deploying Kubernetes-related resources on a best-effort basis, it is not a replacement for the official Kubernetes Documentation.

Deploy a MinIO Tenant using Helm Charts

The following procedure deploys a MinIO Tenant using the MinIO Operator Chart Repository. This method supports a simplified installation path compared to the local chart installation. You can modify the Operator deployment after installation.


Do not use the kubectl krew or similar methods to update or manage the MinIO Tenant installation. If you use Helm charts to deploy the Tenant, you must use Helm to manage that deployment.

  1. Validate the Operator Repository Contents

    Use helm search to check the latest available chart version in the Operator Repo:

    helm search repo minio-operator

    The response should resemble the following:

    NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    minio-operator/minio-operator   4.3.7           v4.3.7          A Helm chart for MinIO Operator
    minio-operator/operator         5.0.10          v5.0.10         A Helm chart for MinIO Operator
    minio-operator/tenant           5.0.10          v5.0.10         A Helm chart for MinIO Operator

    The minio-operator/minio-operator is a legacy chart and should not be installed under normal circumstances.

    If your minio-operator/operator version is behind the latest available chart, upgrade the operator first.

  2. Deploy the Helm Chart

    Use the helm install command to deploy the Tenant Chart.

    If you need to override values in the default values file, you can use the --set operation for any single key-value. Alternatively, specify your own values.yaml using the --f parameter to override multiple values at once:

    helm install \
      --namespace MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE \
      --create-namespace \
      MINIO_TENANT_NAME minio-operator/tenant

    For details on the options available in the MinIO Tenant values.yaml, see Tenant Helm Charts.

  3. Validate the Tenant installation

    Check the contents of the specified namespace to ensure all pods and services have started successfully.

    kubectl get all -n MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE

    All pods and services should have a READY state before proceeding.

  4. Expose the Tenant Console port

    Use kubectl port-forward to temporarily forward traffic from the MinIO pod to your local machine:

    kubectl --namespace MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE port-forward svc/MINIO_TENANT_NAME-console 9443:9443


    To configure long term access to the pod, configure Ingress or similar network control components within Kubernetes to route traffic to and from the pod. Configuring Ingress is out of the scope for this documentation.

  5. Login to the MinIO Console

    Access the Tenant’s MinIO Console by navigating to http://localhost:9443 in a browser. Log in to the Console with the default credentials myminio | minio123. If you modified these credentials in the values.yaml specify those values instead.

  6. Expose the Tenant MinIO S3 API port

    To test the MinIO Client mc from your local machine, forward the MinIO port and create an alias.

    • Forward the Tenant’s MinIO port:

      kubectl port-forward svc/MINIO_TENANT_NAME-hl 9000 -n MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE
    • Create an alias for the Tenant service:

      mc alias set myminio https://localhost:9000 minio minio123 --insecure

    You can use mc mb to create a bucket on the Tenant:

    mc mb myminio/mybucket --insecure

    If you deployed your MinIO Tenant using TLS certificates minted by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) you can omit the --insecure flag.

Deploy a Tenant using a Local Helm Chart

The following procedure deploys a Tenant using a local copy of the Helm Charts. This method may support easier pre-configuration of the Tenant compared to the repo-based installation.

  1. Download the Helm charts

    On your local host, download the Tenant Helm charts to a convenient directory:

    curl -O

    Each chart contains a values.yaml file you can customize to suit your needs. For details on the options available in the MinIO Tenant values.yaml, see Tenant Helm Charts. For example, you may wish to change the MinIO root user credentials or the Tenant name. For more about customizations, see Helm Charts.

  2. The following Helm command creates a MinIO Tenant using the standard chart:

    helm install \
    --namespace MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE \
    --create-namespace \
    MINIO_TENANT_NAME tenant-5.0.15.tgz

    To deploy more than one Tenant, create a Helm chart with the details of the new Tenant and repeat the deployment steps. Redeploying the same chart updates the previously deployed Tenant.

  3. Expose the Tenant Console port

    Use kubectl port-forward to temporarily forward traffic from the MinIO pod to your local machine:

    kubectl --namespace MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE port-forward svc/myminio-console 9443:9443


    To configure long term access to the pod, configure Ingress or similar network control components within Kubernetes to route traffic to and from the pod. Configuring Ingress is out of the scope for this documentation.

  4. Login to the MinIO Console

    Access the Tenant’s MinIO Console by navigating to http://localhost:9443 in a browser. Log in to the Console with the default credentials myminio | minio123.

  5. Expose the Tenant MinIO port

    To test the MinIO Client mc from your local machine, forward the MinIO port and create an alias.

    • Forward the Tenant’s MinIO port:

      kubectl port-forward svc/MINIO_TENANT_NAME-hl 9000 -n MINIO_TENANT_NAMESPACE
    • Create an alias for the Tenant service:

      mc alias set myminio https://localhost:9000 minio minio123 --insecure

      This example uses the non-TLS myminio-hl service, which requires --insecure.

      If you have a TLS cert configured, omit --insecure and use svc/minio instead.

    You can use mc mb to create a bucket on the Tenant:

    mc mb myminio/mybucket --insecure