


MinIO users have two options for support.

  1. Community support from the public Slack channel.

    Community support is best-effort only and has no SLA or SLO.

  2. The MinIO Subscription Network, SUBNET, provides either 48 hour or 1 hour SLA depending on subscription level.

    For current licensing levels and pricing, refer to the MinIO SUBNET page.


SUBNET delivers 24/7/365 Direct-to-engineer support through a MinIO-built portal that blends the chat features of common communication tools with the support features of standard support platforms.

Features of SUBNET include:

  • Security and architecture reviews (depending on SLA)

  • Access to Panic Button, which provides immediate response to critical issues (depending on SLA)

  • Secure communication channel to exchange logs and software binaries

  • Unlimited seats for your team

  • Unlimited issues

For more information, see details at the MinIO SUBNET page.

Registering Your MinIO Deployment with SUBNET

Starting with RELEASE.2023-04-07T05-28-58Z, the Console prompts you to restart the deployment after registering with SUBNET. You can restart through the Console by selecting Restart in the top banner or by using mc admin service restart.

You can register for SUBNET from the MinIO Console.

  1. Go to your MinIO cluster’s URL, then sign in

  2. Select the Support option

  3. Select Register

  4. Select the tab with the method to use to register:

    • Credentials tab to use your MinIO SUBNET username and password

    • API Key tab to input an API key you already have or obtain one directly from SUBNET

    • Airgap tab for a token and instructions to register a deployment that does not have direct connection to the Internet and/or SUBNET

Use the steps below to register MinIO deployments that do not have direct Internet access. For example, deployments that exist with an airgap, behind a firewall, or in other environments with no direct Internet access.

From the Console:

  1. Go to your MinIO cluster’s URL, then sign in

  2. Select the Support tab, then select Health

  3. Select Register your Cluster

  4. Select the Airgap tab

  5. Copy the provided link, which includes a token value for the deployment

  6. Paste the link into a web browser on a device with access to the Internet

  7. After successful registration, copy the provided API key

  8. In the MinIO Console, select the API Key tab

  9. Paste the copied API key from SUBNET into the API Key field, then select Register

You can register for SUBNET from the command line.


mc license register requires MinIO Client version RELEASE.2023-11-20T16-30-59Z or later. While not strictly required, best practice keeps the MinIO Client version in alignment with the MinIO Server version.

If you are unable to upgrade the MinIO Client to the required or later version, register using the Console instead.

Refer to mc license register for instructions.

For clusters without direct Internet access, refer to the instructions in the airgap example of the mc license register documentation.

The airgap registration process works with MinIO Client version RELEASE.2022-07-29T19-17-16Z or later. Earlier versions of the MinIO Client cannot register an airgapped deployment.

Download License File

Download the license file from SUBNET on a machine with access to the Internet.

  1. Log in to MinIO SUBNET

  2. Go to the Deployments tab

  3. Select the License button near the top of the page on the right side of the account statistics information box to display the Account License

  4. Select Download


Use SUBNET issues to engage support from MinIO engineering.

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the Issues section

Use the search bar to locate an existing issue or add a new issue.

MinIO SUBNET with the Issues section displaying a list of an organization's issues

Select an existing issue from the list to expand the conversation or add a response.

A example MinIO SUBNET issue conversation

Reviewing Health Data in SUBNET

SUBNET provides health data about the clusters registered to the organization from the Deployments section.

The view shows the total size of the org’s MinIO clusters with details for each cluster.

MinIO SUBNET displaying the deployments overview

Each of the organization’s clusters display below the summary data. Select a deployment row to view additional health details.

Deployment Health

The deployment’s details include a summary of the deployment’s configuration and the number of checks run and failed. You can select Upload to add diagnostic health data obtained from the mc support diag command or the MinIO Console’s Support > Health page.

You can also use the Call Home functionality to automatically run and upload a diagnostic health report.

If you need support from MinIO Engineering, you can create a New Issue for the deployment.

MinIO SUBNET displaying health summary information for a myminio deployment

SUBNET displays health checks for data points such as CPU, drives, memory, network, and security.

Failed checks display first. Checks with warnings display after failed checks. Checks that pass display last.

Select any failed or warned checks to display the JSON output for additional details. You can scroll vertically through the output for the selected check.

MinIO SUBNET's health report for a deployment showing a failed Health Report with details expanded


Use mc admin logs command to display logs from the command line. The command supports type and quantity filters for further limiting logs output.

Optionally, use Call Home to start automatically uploading real time error logs to SUBNET for analysis.

Call Home

New in version minio: RELEASE.2022-11-17T23-20-09Z and mc RELEASE.2022-12-02T23-48-47Z

MinIO’s opt-in Call Home service automates the collection and uploading of diagnostic data or error logs to SUBNET. Call Home requires the cluster to have both an active SUBNET registration and reliable access to the internet.


Call Home does not work for airgapped deployments.

When enabled, Call Home can upload one or both of:

  • error logs in real time

  • a new diagnostic report every 24 hours

Once uploaded, you can view the diagnostic report results or logs through SUBNET as described above, but without the need to manually upload the data yourself. Making these records automatically available in SUBNET simplifies visibility into cluster health and functionality. If you submit an issue for support help from the MinIO engineers, the engineers have immediate access to the errors and/or logs you have uploaded.

Diagnostic Report

The diagnostic report upload happens every 24 hours from the time you enable Call Home. If you restart all nodes on the deployment after enabling Call Home, the upload happens every 24 hours from the deployment restart.


The diagnostic report does not collect or upload any personally identifiable information.

The report includes information such as:

  • System settings, services, and configurations that might impact performance

  • TLS certificate status, validity, expiration, and algorithm type information

  • CPU core count and information

  • Drive count, status, size, and available space

  • Cluster size server count

  • File system type

  • Memory size and type

  • OS symmetry and Linux kernel version

  • Internode latency

  • NTP synchronization

  • Available resources

  • MinIO version

Error Logs

When the MinIO Server encounters an error, it writes it to a log. These logs can upload in real time to SUBNET, where you or MinIO engineers can view the errors.

Enabling or Disabling Call Home

Call Home is disabled by default. You can enable and disable Call Home functionality at any time using the MinIO Client’s mc support callhome commands. The command and its subcommands allow you to enable Call Home uploads for only the diagnostics, only the error logs, or both. Refer to the documentation on the commands for more details.

Use mc support callhome status to check the status of an upload.

Uploading Data to SUBNET

If you registered the cluster with SUBNET, Performance and Inspection files can automatically upload to SUBNET.

For clusters with an airgap, firewall, or otherwise blocked from SUBNET directly, you can manually upload files to SUBNET after logging in.

  1. Generate the file(s) to upload from the command line with mc support diag or mc support inspect

  2. Sign in to SUBNET

  3. Select Deployments

  4. Select Diagnostics

  5. Drag and drop the .gzip file(s) or browse to the file location to upload

Encrypting Data

Data from the Inspect tool in Console or the mc support inspect command can be encrypted. For more details about encrypting or decrypting such files, see Encrypting Files.

Upgrades and Version Support

MinIO regularly releases updates to introduce features, improve performance, address security concerns, or fix bugs. These releases can occur very frequently, and vary by product.

Always test software releases in a development environment before upgrading on a production deployment.

Active Support Periods

Version support varies by the license used for the deployment.


Support length


Most recent release

MinIO Enterprise Lite

1 year long term support of any release

MinIO Enterprise Plus

5 year long term support of any release, SUBNET support for upgrade guidance and recommendations

Version Alignment

As the various MinIO products release separately on their own schedules, we recommend the following version alignment practices:


Update to the latest release or a release no older than six months.

MinIO Client

Update to the mc release that occurs immediately after the MinIO release, within one or two weeks.

MinIO Operator

Use a MinIO version no earlier than the latest at the time of the Operator release. The MinIO version latest at time of release can be found in the link in the example tenant kustomization yaml file for the Operator release.

  • 4.5.5: MinIO RELEASE.2022-12-07T00-56-37Z or later

  • 4.5.6: MinIO RELEASE.2023-01-02T09-40-09Z or later

  • 4.5.7: MinIO RELEASE.2023-01-12T02-06-16Z or later

  • 4.5.8: MinIO RELEASE.2023-01-12T02-06-16Z or later

When creating a new tenant, the Operator uses either the latest available MinIO release image or the image you specify when creating the tenant.

Upgrading the Operator does not automatically upgrade existing tenants. Upgrade existing tenant MinIO versions separately.