
Modify a MinIO Tenant

You can modify tenants after deployment to change mutable configuration settings. See MinIO Custom Resource Definition for a complete description of available settings in the MinIO Custom Resource Definition.

The method for modifying the Tenant depends on how you deployed the tenant:

For Kustomize-deployed Tenants, you can modify the base Kustomization resources and apply them using kubectl apply -k against the directory containing the kustomization.yaml object.

kubectl apply -k ~/kustomization/TENANT-NAME/

Modify the path to the Kustomization directory to match your local configuration.

For Helm-deployed Tenants, you can modify the base values.yaml and upgrade the Tenant using the chart:

helm upgrade TENANT-NAME minio-operator/tenant -f values.yaml -n TENANT-NAMESPACE

The command above assumes use of the MinIO Operator Chart repository. If you installed the Chart manually or by using a different repository name, specify that chart or name in the command.

Replace TENANT-NAME and TENANT-NAMESPACE with the name and namespace of the Tenant, respectively. You can use helm list -n TENANT-NAMESPACE to validate the Tenant name.

See Tenant Helm Charts for more complete documentation on the available Chart fields.