
Delete a MinIO Tenant


MinIO Kubernetes Operator

This procedures on this page requires a valid installation of the MinIO Kubernetes Operator and assumes the local host has a matching installation of the MinIO Kubernetes Operator. This procedure assumes the latest stable Operator, version 6.0.4.

See Deploy the MinIO Operator for complete documentation on deploying the MinIO Operator.

Tenant Persistent Volume Claims

The delete behavior of each Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) generated by the Tenant depends on the Reclaim Policy of its bound Persistent Volume (PV):

  • For recycle or delete policies, the command deletes the PVC.

  • For retain, the command retains the PVC.


Deletion of the underlying PV, whether automatic or manual, results in the loss of any objects stored on the MinIO Tenant.

Perform all due diligence in ensuring the safety of stored data prior to deleting the Tenant.


You can delete a Kustomization-installed Tenant by deleting the namespace:

kubectl delete namespace TENANT-NAMESPACE

Replace TENANT-NAMESPACE with the name of the namespace to remove.


Ensure you have specified the correct namespace for removal before running the command. Namespace removal occurs at the Kubernetes layer, such that the MinIO Operator cannot interfere with nor undo the operation.

You can delete a Helm-installed namespace by using the helm uninstall command:

helm uninstall --namespace MINIO-TENANT TENANT-NAME minio-operator/tenant

The command above assumes use of the MinIO Operator Chart repository. If you installed the Chart manually or by using a different repository name, specify that chart or name in the command.

Replace TENANT-NAME and TENANT-NAMESPACE with the name and namespace of the Tenant respectively. You can use helm list -n TENANT-NAMESPACE to validate the Tenant name.