
Upgrade MinIO Operator

You can upgrade the MinIO Operator at any time without impacting your managed MinIO Tenants.

As part of the upgrade process, the Operator may update and restart Tenants to support changes to the MinIO Custom Resource Definition (CRD). These changes require no action on the part of any operator or administrator, and do not impact Tenant operations.

This page describes how to upgrade from Operator 5.0.15 to 6.0.4. See Upgrade MinIO Operator 4.5.8 and Later to 5.0.15 for instructions on upgrading to Operator 5.0.15 before starting this procedure.

Operator 6.0.0 Deprecates the Operator Console

Starting with Operator 6.0.0, the MinIO Operator Console is deprecated and removed.

You can continue to manage and deploy MinIO Tenants using standard Kubernetes approaches such as Kustomize or Helm.

Upgrade MinIO Operator 5.0.15 to 6.0.4


Operator 6.0.0 deprecates the MinIO Operator Console and removes the related resources from the MinIO Operator CRD. This includes removal of Operator Console resources such as services and pods.

Use either Kustomization or Helm for managing Tenants moving forward.

The following procedure upgrades the MinIO Operator using Kustomize. For deployments using Operator 5.0.0 through 5.0.14, follow the Upgrade MinIO Operator 4.5.8 and Later to 5.0.15 procedure before performing this upgrade.

If you installed the Operator using Helm, use the Upgrade using Helm instructions instead.

  1. (Optional) Update each MinIO Tenant to the latest stable MinIO Version.

    Upgrading MinIO regularly ensures your Tenants have the latest features and performance improvements. Test upgrades in a lower environment such as a Dev or QA Tenant, before applying to your production Tenants. See Upgrade a MinIO Tenant for a procedure on upgrading MinIO Tenants.

  2. Verify the existing Operator installation. Use kubectl get all -n minio-operator to verify the health and status of all Operator pods and services.

    If you installed the Operator to a custom namespace, specify that namespace as -n <NAMESPACE>.

    You can verify the currently installed Operator version by retrieving the object specification for an operator pod in the namespace. The following example uses the jq tool to filter the necessary information from kubectl:

    kubectl get pod -l 'name=minio-operator' -n minio-operator -o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers'

    The output resembles the following:

       "env": [
             "name": "CLUSTER_DOMAIN",
             "value": "cluster.local"
       "image": "minio/operator:v5.0.15",
       "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
       "name": "minio-operator"

    If your local host does not have the jq utility installed, you can run the first part of the command and locate the spec.containers section of the output.

  3. Upgrade Operator with Kustomize

    The following command upgrades Operator to version 6.0.4:

    kubectl apply -k

    In the sample output below, configured indicates where a new change was applied from the updated CRD:

    namespace/minio-operator unchanged configured configured configured
    serviceaccount/minio-operator unchanged configured unchanged
    service/operator unchanged
    service/sts unchanged
    deployment.apps/minio-operator configured
  4. Validate the Operator upgrade

    You can check the new Operator version with the same kubectl command used previously:

    kubectl get pod -l 'name=minio-operator' -n minio-operator -o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers'

The following procedure upgrades an existing MinIO Operator Installation using Helm.

If you installed the Operator using Kustomize, use the Upgrade using Kustomize instructions instead.

  1. (Optional) Update each MinIO Tenant to the latest stable MinIO Version.

    Upgrading MinIO regularly ensures your Tenants have the latest features and performance improvements. Test upgrades in a lower environment such as a Dev or QA Tenant, before applying to your production Tenants. See Upgrade a MinIO Tenant for a procedure on upgrading MinIO Tenants.

  2. Verify the existing Operator installation.

    Use kubectl get all -n minio-operator to verify the health and status of all Operator pods and services.

    If you installed the Operator to a custom namespace, specify that namespace as -n <NAMESPACE>.

    Use the helm list command to view the installed charts in the namespace:

    helm list -n minio-operator

    The result should resemble the following:

    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
    operator        minio-operator  1               2023-11-01 15:49:54.539724775 -0400 EDT deployed        operator-5.0.x v5.0.x
  3. Update the Operator Repository

    Use helm repo update minio-operator to update the MinIO Operator repo. If you set a different alias for the MinIO Operator repository, specify that in the command instead of minio-operator. You can use helm repo list to review your installed repositories.

    Use helm search to check the latest available chart version after updating the Operator Repo:

    helm search repo minio-operator

    The response should resemble the following:

    NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
    minio-operator/minio-operator   4.3.7           v4.3.7          A Helm chart for MinIO Operator
    minio-operator/operator         6.0.4          v6.0.4         A Helm chart for MinIO Operator
    minio-operator/tenant           6.0.4          v6.0.4         A Helm chart for MinIO Operator

    The minio-operator/minio-operator is a legacy chart and should not be installed under normal circumstances.

  4. Run helm upgrade

    Helm uses the latest chart to upgrade the MinIO Operator:

    helm upgrade -n minio-operator \
    operator minio-operator/operator

    If you installed the MinIO Operator to a different namespace, specify that in the -n argument.

    If you used a different installation name from operator, replace the value above with the installation name.

    The command results should return success with a bump in the REVISION value.

  5. Validate the Operator upgrade

    You can check the new Operator version with the same kubectl command used previously:

    kubectl get pod -l 'name=minio-operator' -n minio-operator -o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers'