
Configure MinIO for Authentication using Keycloak


This procedure configures MinIO to use Keycloak as an external IDentity Provider (IDP) for authentication of users via the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol.

This procedure specifically covers the following steps:

  • Configure Keycloak for use with MinIO authentication and authorization

  • Configure a new or existing MinIO Tenant to use Keycloak as the OIDC provider

  • Create policies to control access of Keycloak-authenticated users

  • Log into the MinIO Tenant Console using SSO and a Keycloak-managed identity

  • Generate temporary S3 access credentials using the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity Security Token Service (STS) API

This procedure was written and tested against Keycloak 21.0.0. The provided instructions may work against other Keycloak versions. This procedure assumes you have prior experience with Keycloak and have reviewed their documentation for guidance and best practices in deploying, configuring, and managing the service.


MinIO Kubernetes Operator

Ensure your target Kubernetes cluster has a valid and working installation of the MinIO Kubernetes Operator. This documentation assumes the latest stable Operator, version 6.0.4.

MinIO Tenant

This procedure assumes your Kubernetes cluster has sufficient resources to deploy a new MinIO Tenant.

You can also use this procedure as guidance for modifying an existing MinIO Tenant to enable Keycloak Identity Management.

Keycloak Deployment and Realm Configuration

This procedure assumes an existing Keycloak deployment to which you have administrative access. Specifically, you must have permission to create and configure Realms, Clients, Client Scopes, Realm Roles, Users, and Groups on the Keycloak deployment.

For Keycloak deployments within the same Kubernetes cluster as the MinIO Tenant, this procedure assumes bidirectional access between the Keycloak and MinIO pods/services.

For Keycloak deployments external to the Kubernetes cluster, this procedure assumes an existing Ingress, Load Balancer, or similar Kubernetes network control component that manages network access to and from the MinIO Tenant.

Install and Configure mc with Access to the MinIO Cluster

This procedure uses mc for performing operations on the MinIO cluster. Install mc on a machine with network access to the cluster.

Your local host must have access to the MinIO Tenant, such as through Ingress, a Load Balancer, or a similar Kubernetes network control component.

See the mc Installation Quickstart for instructions on downloading and installing mc.

This procedure assumes a configured alias for the MinIO cluster.

Configure MinIO for Keycloak Identity Management

1) Configure or Create a Client for Accessing Keycloak

Authenticate to the Keycloak Administrative Console and navigate to Clients.

Select Create client and follow the instructions to create a new Keycloak client for MinIO. Fill in the specified inputs as follows:

Client ID

Set to a unique identifier for MinIO (minio)

Client type

Set to OpenID Connect

Always display in console

Toggle to On

Client authentication

Toggle to On

Authentication flow

Toggle on Standard flow

(Optional) Authentication flow

Toggle on Direct access grants (API testing)

Keycloak deploys the client with a default set of configuration values. Modify these values as necessary for your Keycloak setup and desired behavior. The following table provides a baseline of settings and values to configure:

Root URL

Set to ${authBaseUrl}

Home URL

Set to the Realm you want MinIO to use (/realms/master/account/)

Valid Redirect URI

Set to *

Keys -> Use JWKS URL

Toggle to On

Advanced -> Advanced Settings -> Access Token Lifespan

Set to 1 Hour.

2) Create Client Scope for MinIO Client

Client scopes allow Keycloak to map user attributes as part of the JSON Web Token (JWT) returned in authentication requests. This allows MinIO to reference those attributes when assigning policies to the user. This step creates the necessary client scope to support MinIO authorization after successful Keycloak authentication.

Navigate to the Client scopes view and create a new client scope for MinIO authorization:


Set to any recognizable name for the policy (minio-authorization)

Include in token scope

Toggle to On

Once created, select the scope from the list and navigate to Mappers.

Select Configure a new mapper to create a new mapping:

User Attribute

Select the Mapper Type


Set to any recognizable name for the mapping (minio-policy-mapper)

User Attribute

Set to policy

Token Claim Name

Set to policy

Add to ID token

Set to On

Claim JSON Type

Set to String


Set to On

This allows setting multiple policy values in the single claim.

Aggregate attribute values

Set to On

This allows users to inherit any policy set in their Groups

Once created, assign the Client Scope to the MinIO client.

  1. Navigate to Clients and select the MinIO client.

  2. Select Client scopes, then select Add client scope.

  3. Select the previously created scope and set the Assigned type to default.

3) Apply the Necessary Attribute to Keycloak Users/Groups

You must assign an attribute named policy to the Keycloak Users or Groups. Set the value to any policy on the MinIO deployment.

For Users, navigate to Users and select or create the User:


Set the user password to a permanent value if not already set


Create a new attribute with key policy and value of any policy (consoleAdmin)

For Groups, navigate to Groups and select or create the Group:


Create a new attribute with key policy and value of any policy (consoleAdmin)

You can assign users to groups such that they inherit the specified policy attribute. If you set the Mapper settings to enable Aggregate attribute values, Keycloak includes the aggregated array of policies as part of the authenticated user’s JWT token. MinIO can use this list of policies when authorizing the user.

You can test the configured policies of a user by using the Keycloak API:

curl -d "client_id=minio" \
     -d "client_secret=secretvalue" \
     -d "grant_type=password" \
     -d "username=minio-user-1" \
     -d "password=minio-user-1-password" \

If successful, the access_token contains the JWT necessary to use the MinIO AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity STS API and generate S3 credentials.

You can use a JWT decoder to review the payload and ensure it contains the policy key with one or more MinIO policies listed.

4) Configure MinIO for Keycloak Authentication

MinIO supports multiple methods for configuring Keycloak authentication:

  • Using the MinIO Tenant Console

  • Using a terminal/shell and the mc idp openid command

You can use the MinIO Tenant Console to configure Keycloak as the External Identity Provider for the MinIO Tenant.

Access the Console service using the NodePort, Ingress, or Load Balancer endpoint. You can use the following command to review the Console configuration:

kubectl describe svc/TENANT_NAME-console -n TENANT_NAMESPACE

Replace TENANT_NAME and TENANT_NAMESPACE with the name of the MinIO Tenant and it’s Namespace, respectively.

Log in as a user with administrative privileges for the MinIO deployment such as a user with the consoleAdmin policy.

Select Identity from the left-hand navigation bar, then select OpenID. Select Create Configuration to create a new configuration.

Enter the following information into the modal:


Enter a unique name for the Keycloak instance

Config URL

Specify the address of the Keycloak OpenID configuration document (keycloak-service.keycloak-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example)

Ensure the REALM matches the Keycloak realm you want to use for authenticating users to MinIO.

Client ID

Specify the name of the Keycloak client created in Step 1

Client Secret

Specify the secret credential value for the Keycloak client created in Step 1

Display Name

Specify the user-facing name the MinIO Console displays as part of the Single-Sign On (SSO) workflow for the configured Keycloak service


Specify the OpenID scopes to include in the JWT, such as preferred_username or email

You can reference these scopes using supported OpenID policy variables for the purpose of programmatic policy .

Redirect URI Dynamic

Toggle to on

Substitutes the MinIO Console address used by the client as part of the Keycloak redirect URI. Keycloak returns authenticated users to the Console using the provided URI.

For MinIO Console deployments behind a reverse proxy, load balancer, or similar network control plane, you can instead use the MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL variable to set the redirect address for Keycloak to use.

Select Save to apply the configuration.

Select Save to apply the configuration.

You can use the mc idp openid add command to create a new configuration for the Keycloak service. The command takes all supported OpenID Configuration Settings:

mc idp openid add ALIAS PRIMARY_IAM \
   client_id=MINIO_CLIENT \
   client_secret=MINIO_CLIENT_SECRET \
   config_url="https://keycloak-service.keycloak-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example/realms/REALM/.well-known/openid-configuration" \
   scopes="openid,email,preferred_username" \


Set to a unique identifier for the Keycloak service, such as keycloak_primary


Set to the Keycloak client ID and secret configured in Step 1


Set to the address of the Keycloak OpenID configuration document (keycloak-service.keycloak-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example)


Set to a user-facing name the MinIO Console displays as part of the Single-Sign On (SSO) workflow for the configured Keycloak service


Set to a list of OpenID scopes you want to include in the JWT, such as preferred_username or email


Set to on

Substitutes the MinIO Console address used by the client as part of the Keycloak redirect URI. Keycloak returns authenticated users to the Console using the provided URI.

For MinIO Console deployments behind a reverse proxy, load balancer, or similar network control plane, you can instead use the MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL variable to set the redirect address for Keycloak to use.

Restart the MinIO deployment for the changes to apply.

Check the MinIO logs and verify that startup succeeded with no errors related to the OIDC configuration.

If you attempt to log in with the Console, you should now see an (SSO) button using the configured Display Name.

Specify a configured user and attempt to log in. MinIO should automatically redirect you to the Keycloak login entry. Upon successful authentication, Keycloak should redirect you back to the MinIO Console using either the originating Console URL or the Redirect URI if configured.

5) Generate Application Credentials using the Security Token Service (STS)

Applications using an S3-compatible SDK must specify credentials in the form of an access key and secret key. The MinIO AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API returns the necessary temporary credentials, including a required session token, using a JWT returned by Keycloak after authentication.

You can test this workflow using the following sequence of HTTP calls and the curl utility:

  1. Authenticate as a Keycloak user and retrieve the JWT token

    curl -X POST "https://keycloak-service.keycloak-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example/realms/REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         -d "username=USER" \
         -d "password=PASSWORD" \
         -d "grant_type=password" \
         -d "client_id=CLIENT" \
         -d "client_secret=SECRET"
    • Replace the USER and PASSWORD with the credentials of a Keycloak user on the REALM.

    • Replace the CLIENT and SECRET with the client ID and secret for the MinIO-specific Keycloak client on the REALM

    You can process the results using jq or a similar JSON-formatting utility. Extract the access_token field to retrieve the necessary access token. Pay attention to the expires_in field to note the number of seconds before the token expires.

  2. Generate MinIO Credentials using the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API

    curl -X POST "https://minio.minio-tenant.svc.cluster-domain.example" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         -d "Action=AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity" \
         -d "Version=2011-06-15" \
         -d "DurationSeconds=86000" \
         -d "WebIdentityToken=TOKEN"

    Replace the TOKEN with the access_token value returned by Keycloak.

    The API returns an XML document on success containing the following keys:

    • Credentials.AccessKeyId - the Access Key for the Keycloak User

    • Credentials.SecretAccessKey - the Secret Key for the Keycloak User

    • Credentials.SessionToken - the Session Token for the Keycloak User

    • Credentials.Expiration - the Expiration Date for the generated credentials

  3. Test the Credentials

    Use your preferred S3-compatible SDK to connect to MinIO using the generated credentials.

    For example, the following Python code using the MinIO Python SDK connects to the MinIO deployment and returns a list of buckets:

    from minio import Minio
    client = MinIO(
       access_key = "ACCESS_KEY",
       secret_key = "SECRET_KEY",
       session_token = "SESSION_TOKEN"
       secure = True

Next Steps

Applications should implement the STS AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity flow using their SDK of choice. When STS credentials expire, applications should have logic in place to regenerate the JWT token, STS token, and MinIO credentials before retrying and continuing operations.

Alternatively, users can generate access keys through the MinIO Console for the purpose of creating long-lived API-key like access using their Keycloak credentials.

Enable the Keycloak Admin REST API

MinIO supports using the Keycloak Admin REST API for checking if an authenticated user exists and is enabled on the Keycloak realm. This functionality allows MinIO to more quickly remove access from previously authenticated Keycloak users. Without this functionality, the earliest point in time that MinIO could disable access for a disabled or removed user is when the last retrieved authentication token expires.

This procedure assumes an existing MinIO deployment configured with Keycloak as an external identity manager.

1) Create the Necessary Client Scopes

Navigate to the Client scopes view and create a new scope:


Set to a recognizable name for the scope (minio-admin-API-access)


Select Configure a new mapper


Set the Name to any recognizable name for the mapping (minio-admin-api-access-mapper)

Included Client Audience

Set to security-admin-console.

Navigate to Clients and select the MinIO client

  1. From Service account roles, select Assign role and assign the admin role

  2. From Client scopes, select Add client scope and add the previously created scope

Navigate to Settings and ensure Authentication flow includes Service accounts roles.

2) Validate Admin API Access

You can validate the functionality by using the Admin REST API with the MinIO client credentials to retrieve a bearer token and user data:

  1. Retrieve the bearer token:

    curl -d "client_id=minio" \
         -d "client_secret=secretvalue" \
         -d "grant_type=password" \
  2. Use the value returned as the access_token to access the Admin API:

    curl -H "Authentication: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_VALUE" \

    Replace UUID with the unique ID for the user which you want to retrieve. The response should resemble the following:

       "id": "954de141-781b-4eaf-81bf-bf3751cdc5f2",
       "createdTimestamp": 1675866684976,
       "username": "minio-user-1",
       "enabled": true,
       "totp": false,
       "emailVerified": false,
       "firstName": "",
       "lastName": "",
       "attributes": {
          "policy": [
       "disableableCredentialTypes": [],
       "requiredActions": [],
       "notBefore": 0,
       "access": {
          "manageGroupMembership": true,
          "view": true,
          "mapRoles": true,
          "impersonate": true,
          "manage": true

    MinIO would revoke access for an authenticated user if the returned value has enabled: false or null (user was removed from Keycloak).

3) Enable Keycloak Admin Support on MinIO

MinIO supports multiple methods for configuring Keycloak Admin API Support:

  • Using a terminal/shell and the mc idp openid command

  • Using environment variables set prior to starting MinIO

You can use the mc idp openid update command to modify the configuration settings for an existing Keycloak service. You can alternatively include the following configuration settings when setting up Keycloak for the first time. The command takes all supported OpenID Configuration Settings:

mc idp openid update ALIAS KEYCLOAK_IDENTIFIER \
   vendor="keycloak" \
  • Replace KEYCLOAK_IDENTIFIER with the name of the configured Keycloak IDP. You can use mc idp openid ls to view all configured IDP configurations on the MinIO deployment

  • Specify the Keycloak admin URL in the keycloak_admin_url configuration setting

  • Specify the Keycloak Realm name in the keycloak_realm

Set the following environment variables in the appropriate configuration location, such as /etc/default/minio.

The following example code sets the minimum required environment variables related to enabling the Keycloak Admin API for an existing Keycloak configuration. Replace the suffix _PRIMARY_IAM with the unique identifier for the target Keycloak configuration.