list volumes


List the volumes provisioned and managed by DirectPV.


kubectl directpv list volumes [VOLUME ...] [flags]

You can use the following commands to perform the same functions as kubectl directpv list volumes

  • kubectl directpv list volume
  • kubectl directpv list vol

These aliases have the same results and use the same flags as list volumes.



Flag Description
--drive-id <string> Filter output by drive IDs
--pod-names <string> Filter output by pod names; supports ellipses pattern such as minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces <string> Filter output by pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern such as tenant-{0...3}
--pvc Add Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) names in the output
--status <string> Filter output by volume status. Valid statuses are pending or ready.
--show-labels Show all labels as the last column
--labels <string> Filter output by volume labels. Enter labels as key-value pairs, such as, tier=hot,region=east
--all List all volumes

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv list-volumes:

Flag Description
-d, --drives <string> Filter output by drive names; supports ellipses pattern such as sd{a...z}
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
-n, --nodes <string> Filter output by nodes; supports ellipses pattern such as node{1...10}
--no-headers Don’t print column headers
-o, --output <string> Output format. Valid options are json, yaml, wide
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


List all ready volumes

The following command lists all volumes in ready status. DirectPV can schedule these volumes to a matching PVC.

kubectl directpv list volumes

List volumes served by a node

The following command lists all volumes for the node node1.

kubectl directpv list volumes --nodes=node1

List volumes served by drives on nodes

The following command lists all volumes served from the drive nvme0n1 on either node1 or node2.

kubectl directpv list volumes --nodes=node1,node2 --drives=nvme0n1

List volumes by pod name

The following command lists all volumes for the pods minio-1, minio-2, and minio-3. The command uses ellipsis expansion notation for the pod name list.

kubectl directpv list volumes --pod-names=minio-{1...3}

List volumes by pod namespace

The following lists all volumes for the pods in the namespaces tenant-1, tenant-2, and tenant-3. The command uses ellipsis expansion notation for the namespace list.

kubectl directpv list volumes --pod-namespaces=tenant-{1...3}

List all volumes from all nodes with all information, including PVC name

The following command lists all volumes and includes all available information for all volumes.

kubectl directpv list volumes --all --pvc --output wide

List volumes in Pending state

The following command lists volumes in the pending status.

kubectl directpv list volumes --status=pending

List volumes served by a drive ID

The following command lists all volumes on the drive specified by its ID.

kubectl directpv list volumes --drive-id=b84758b0-866f-4a12-9d00-d8f7da76ceb3

List volumes with labels

The following command lists all volumes and includes a column to show the labels assigned to each volume, if any.

kubectl directpv list volumes --show-labels

List volumes filtered by labels

The following command lists volumes with a label of tier where the value assigned to the label is hot.

kubectl directpv list volumes --labels tier=hot