

Cleans up volumes in either released or deleted status.


kubectl directpv clean [VOLUME ...] [flags]


kubectl directpv clean requires either a volume ID or a flag to define the volume(s) or drive(s) to clean. The command does not require any specific parameter. All parameters are optional, as long as you include a way to select one or more volumes in the command.


Flag Description
--all Select all volumes.
-d, --drives <string> Select volumes by drive names. Optionally supports ellipsis expansion pattern, such as sd{a...z}.
--drive-id <string> Select all volumes on a specific drive ID.
--dry-run Test the command to see what it would do without making any actual changes.
-n, --nodes <string> Select volumes from given nodes. Optionally supports ellipsis expansion pattern, such as node{1...10}.
--pod-names <string> Select volumes by pod names. Optionally supports ellipsis expansion pattern such as minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces <string> Select volumes by pod namespaces. Optionally supports ellipsis expansion pattern, such as tenant-{0...3}.

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv clean:

Flag Description
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kube.config file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


Clean up all stale volumes

The following command cleans all DirectPV volumes with a status of released or deleted.

kubectl directpv clean --all

Clean a volume by its ID

The following command cleans the specific volume with the ID pvc-6355041d-f9c6-4bd6-9335-f2bccbe73929. To specify a volume, pass the volume’s ID. There is no flag for a volume ID.

kubectl directpv clean pvc-6355041d-f9c6-4bd6-9335-f2bccbe73929

Clean volumes on a drive by drive name

The following command cleans up volumes in deleted or released status on the drive with drive name nvme1n1.

kubectl directpv clean --drives=nvme1n1

Clean volumes on a drive by drive ID

The following command cleans up volumes in deleted or released status on the drive with ID 78e6486e-22d2-4c93-99d0-00f4e3a8411f.

kubectl directpv clean --drive-id=78e6486e-22d2-4c93-99d0-00f4e3a8411f

Clean volumes served by a node

The following command cleans up volumes in deleted or released status on node node1. You can specify multiple nodes using ellipsis expansion notation.

kubectl directpv clean --nodes=node1

Clean volumes by pod name

The following command cleans up all volumes in deleted or released status on pods minio-1, minio-2, and minio-3. The command uses ellipsis expansion notation to specify the three nodes.

kubectl directpv clean --pod-names=minio-{1...3}

Clean volumes by pod namespace

The following command cleans up all volumes in deleted or released status on pod namespaces tenant-1, tenant-2, and tenant-3. The command uses ellipsis expansion notation to specify the three namespaces.

kubectl directpv clean --pod-namespaces=tenant-{1...3}