

Installs DirectPV in your kubernetes cluster.


kubectl directpv install [flags]



Flag Description
--apparmor-profile <string> Path to Apparmor profile
--image <string> Name of the DirectPV image (default directpv:4.0.6)
--image-pull-secrets <string> Image pull secrets for DirectPV images (SECRET1,..)
--kube-version <string> Kubernetes version to use for manifest generation (default “1.27.0”)
--legacy Enable legacy mode (Used with ‘-o’)
--node-selector <string> Select the storage nodes using labels (KEY=VALUE,..)
-o, --output <string> Generate installation manifest. Specify the format as yaml or json
--openshift Use an OpenShift specific installation
--org <string> Organization name in the registry (default minio)
--registry <string> Name of container registry (default “”)
--seccomp-profile <string> Path to Seccomp profile
--tolerations <string> Set toleration labels on the storage nodes (KEY[=VALUE]:EFFECT,..)

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv install:

Flag Description
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kube.config file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


Install DirectPV

The following command installs DirectPV with all default options.

kubectl directpv install

Install DirectPV from private registry

The following command installs DirectPV using images from a private registry at for the org my-org-name.

kubectl directpv install --registry --org my-org-name

Deploy DirectPV pods on select nodes

The following command deploys the DirectPV daemonset only on pods on the specified node.

kubectl directpv install --node-selector node-label-key=node-label-value

Replace node-label-key with the label key used as the selector. Replace node-label-value with the value for the key on the nodes you want to install DirectPV on.

Use tolerations to control placement of DirectPV pods

The following command uses tolerations to limit where DirectPV installs. The tolerations take the form of key=value:effect.

kubectl directpv install --tolerations key=value:NoSchedule

Generate a DirectPV installation manifest file

The following command generates a YAML manifest file that can be used to install DirectPV.

kubectl directpv install -o yaml > directpv-install.yaml

Install DirectPV with an AppArmor profile

The following command installs DirectPV using an AppArmor profile.

kubectl directpv install --apparmor-profile directpv

Install DirectPV with a seccomp profile

The following command installs DirectPV using a seccomp profile.

kubectl directpv install --seccomp-profile profiles/seccomp.json