

Cordoning drives makes them unschedulable. DirectPV does not schedule volumes on drives that have been cordoned.

Use kubectl directpv uncordon to make cordoned drives accessible for scheduling again.


kubectl directpv cordon [DRIVE ...] [flags]


kubectl directpv cordon requires a way to define the drive(s) to cordon. The command does not require any specific parameter. All parameters are optional, as long as you include a way to select one or more drives in the command.


Flag Description
--all Select all drives.
-d, --drives <string> Select drives by given names. Optionally, supports ellipsis expansion pattern, such as sd{a...z}.
--dry-run Run a trial of the command without making changes to the drive(s).
-n, --nodes <string> Select drives from the specified notes nodes. Optionally, supports ellipsis expansion pattern, such as node{1...10}.
--status <string> Select drives by drive status. Valid statuses include: error, lost, moving, ready, or removed.

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv cordon:

Flag Description
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kube.config file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


Cordon all drives from all nodes

The following command cordons all drives from all nodes.

kubectl directpv cordon --all

Cordon all drives from a node

The following command cordons all drives from the specified node(s). This command uses a flag that supports ellipsis expansion notation pattern.

kubectl directpv cordon --nodes=node1

Cordon a drive from all nodes by name

The following command cordons a the drive named nvme1n1 drive from all nodes.

kubectl directpv cordon --drives=nvme1n1

Cordon specific drives from specific nodes with expansion notation

The following command cordons drives sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, and sdf from nodes node1, node2, node3, and node4.

kubectl directpv cordon --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}

Cordon drives which are in ’error’ status

The following command cordons all drives with the status of error.

kubectl directpv cordon --status=error