label drives


Set labels on the drives managed by DirectPV


directpv label drives key=value|key- [flags]

Use only one or the other of the options:

  • Use key=value to add a label key with the value of value to the drive(s).
  • Use key- to remove the label key from the drive(s).


You can use the following commands to perform the same functions as kubectl directpv label drives

  • kubectl directpv label drive
  • kubectl directpv label dr

These aliases have the same results and use the same flags as label drives.



Flag Description
--ids <string> Select by drive ID
--labels <string> Select by drive labels; supports comma separated key=value pairs, such as tier=hot,region=east
--status <string> Select drives by status. Valid statuses include error, lost, moving, ready, or removed

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv list:

Flag Description
--all Select all drives
-d, --drives <string> Filter output by drive names; supports ellipses pattern such as sd{a...z}
--dry-run Run the command and generate the output without making changes to any drives
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
-n, --nodes <string> Filter output by nodes; supports ellipses pattern such as node{1...10}
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


Set a label to all drives in all nodes

The following command sets a label called tier to a value of hot on all drives on all notes.

kubectl directpv label drives tier=hot --all

Set a label for specific drives from a node

The following command sets a label named type with a value of fast to specific drives on node1. The command uses ellipsis notation for the drive names to select drives nvme1n1, nvme1n2, and nvme1n3.

kubectl directpv label drives type=fast --nodes=node1 --drives=nvme1n{1...3}

Remove a label from all drives in all nodes

The following command removes the label tier from all drives on all nodes. The command removes the label no matter what the value of tier may be on each drive.

kubectl directpv label drives tier- --all