
Migrate from Gateway or Filesystem Mode

The MinIO Gateway and the related filesystem mode entered a feature freeze in July 2020. In February 2022, MinIO announced the deprecation of the MinIO Gateway. Along with the deprecation announcement, MinIO also announced that the feature would be removed in six months time.

As of RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z, the MinIO Gateway and the related filesystem mode code have been removed. Deployments still using the standalone or filesystem MinIO modes that upgrade to MinIO Server RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z or later receive an error when attempting to start MinIO.


For deployments running in a container, see the Container - Migrate from Gateway or Filesystem Mode tutorial instead.

To upgrade to the RELEASE.2022-10-29T06-21-33Z or later release, those who were using the standalone or filesystem deployment modes must create a new Single-Node Single-Drive deployment and migrate settings and content to the new deployment.

This document outlines the steps required to successfully launch and migrate to a new deployment.


Standalone/file system mode continues to work on any release up to and including MinIO Server RELEASE.2022-10-24T18-35-07Z. To continue using a standalone deployment, install that MinIO Server release with MinIO Client RELEASE.2022-10-29T10-09-23Z or any earlier release with its corresponding MinIO Client. Note that the version of the MinIO Client should be newer and as close as possible to the version of the MinIO server.

Filesystem mode deployments must be on at least RELEASE.2022-06-25T15-50-16Z to use the MinIO Client import and export commands. Filesystem mode deployments up to and including RELEASE.2022-06-20T23-13-45Z can be migrated by manually recreating users, policies, buckets, and other resources on the new deployment.


You can set MinIO configuration settings in environment variables and using mc admin config set. Depending on your current deployment setup, you may need to retrieve the values for both.

You can examine any runtime settings using env | grep MINIO_ or, for deployments using MinIO’s systemd service, check the contents of /etc/default/minio.

  1. For filesystem mode deployments:

    If needed, upgrade the existing deployment.

    The oldest acceptable versions are:

    The newest acceptable versions are:

  2. Create a new Single-Node Single-Drive MinIO deployment.

    Refer to the documentation for step-by-step instructions for launching a new SNSD deployment.

    The location of the deployment can be any empty folder on the storage medium of your choice. A new folder on the same drive can work for the new deployment as long as the existing deployment is not on the root of a drive. If the existing standalone system points to the root of the drive, you must use a separate drive for the new deployment.

    If both old and new deployments are on the same host:

    • Install the new deployment to a different path from the existing deployment.

    • Set the new deployment’s Console and API ports to different ports than the existing deployment.

      The following commandline options set the ports at startup:

    • For deployments managed by systemd:

      • Duplicate the existing /etc/default/minio environment file with a unique name.

      • In the new deployment’s service file, update EnvironmentFile to reference the new environment file.

    The steps below use the mc command line tool from both deployments. Existing MinIO Client is mc from the old deployment. New MinIO Client is mc from the new deployment.

  3. Add an alias for the deployment created in the previous step using mc alias set and the new MinIO Client.

    • Use the new MinIO Client.

    • Replace NEWALIAS with the alias to create for the deployment.

    • Replace PATH with the IP address or hostname and port for the new deployment.

    • Replace ACCESSKEY and SECRETKEY with the credentials you used when creating the new deployment.

  4. Migrate settings according to the type of deployment:

    • The MinIO Gateway is a stateless proxy service that provides S3 API compatibility for an array of backend storage systems.

    • Filesystem mode deployments provide an S3 access layer for a single MinIO server process and single storage volume.

    Migrate configuration settings:

    If your deployment uses environment variables for configuration settings, copy the environment variables from the existing deployment’s /etc/default/minio file to the same file in the new deployment. You may omit any MINIO_CACHE_* and MINIO_GATEWAY_SSE environment variables, as these are no longer used.

    If you use mc admin config set for configuration settings, duplicate the existing settings for the new deployment using the new MinIO Client.


    The following Filesystem mode steps presume the existing MinIO Client supports the needed export commands. If it does not, recreate users, policies, lifecycle rules, and buckets manually on the new deployment using the new MinIO Client.

    1. Export the existing deployment’s configurations.

      Use the mc admin config export command with the existing MinIO Client to retrieve the configurations defined for the existing standalone MinIO deployment.

      mc admin config export ALIAS > config.txt
      • Use the existing MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias used for the existing standalone deployment you are retrieving values from.

    2. Import configurations from the existing standalone deployment to the new deployment with the new MinIO Client.

      mc admin config import ALIAS < config.txt
      • Use the new MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for the new deployment.

      If import reports an error for a configuration key, comment it out with # at the beginning of the relevant line and try again. When you are finished migrating the deployment, verify the current syntax for the target MinIO Server version and set any needed keys manually using mc admin config set.

    3. Restart the server for the new deployment with the new MinIO Client.

      mc admin service restart ALIAS
      • Use the new MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for the new deployment.

    4. Export bucket metadata from the existing standalone deployment with the existing MinIO Client.

      The following command exports bucket metadata from the existing deployment to a .zip file.

      The data includes:

      • bucket targets

      • lifecycle rules

      • notifications

      • quotas

      • locks

      • versioning

      The export includes the bucket metadata only. This command does not export objects from the existing deployment.

      mc admin cluster bucket export ALIAS
      • Use the existing MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for your existing deployment.

      This command creates a file with metadata for each bucket.

    5. Import bucket metadata to the new deployment with the new MinIO Client.

      The following command reads the contents of the exported bucket .zip file and creates buckets on the new deployment with the same configurations.

      mc admin cluster bucket import ALIAS
      • Use the new MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for the new deployment.

      The command creates buckets on the new deployment with the same configurations as provided by the metadata in the .zip file from the existing deployment.

    6. Export IAM settings from the existing standalone deployment to new deployment with the existing MinIO Client.

      If you are using an external identity and access management provider, recreate those settings in the new deployment along with all associated policies.

      Use the following command to export IAM settings from the existing deployment. This command exports:

      • Groups and group mappings

      • STS users and STS user mappings

      • Policies

      • Users and user mappings

      mc admin cluster iam export ALIAS
      • Use the existing MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for your existing deployment.

      This command creates a file with IAM data.

    7. Import the IAM settings to the new deployment with the new MinIO Client.

      Use the exported file to create the IAM setting on the new deployment.

      mc admin cluster iam import ALIAS
      • Use the new MinIO Client.

      • Replace ALIAS with the alias for the new deployment.

      • Replace the name of the zip file with the name for the existing deployment’s file.

  5. Migrate bucket contents with mc mirror.

    Use mc mirror with the --preserve and --watch flags on the standalone deployment to move objects to the new SNSD deployment with the existing MinIO Client

    mc mirror --preserve --watch SOURCE/BUCKET TARGET/BUCKET
    • Use the existing MinIO Client.

    • Replace SOURCE/BUCKET with the alias and a bucket for the existing standalone deployment.

    • Replace TARGET/BUCKET with the alias and corresponding bucket for the new deployment.

  6. Stop writes to the standalone deployment from any S3 or POSIX client.

  7. Wait for mc mirror to complete for all buckets for any remaining operations.

  8. Stop the server for both deployments.

  9. Restart the new MinIO deployment with the ports used for the previous standalone deployment. For more about starting the MinIO service, refer to step four in the deploy SNSD documentation.

    Ensure you apply all environment variables and runtime configuration settings and validate the behavior of the new deployment.