Batch Expiration
New in version MinIO: RELEASE.2023-12-02T10-51-33Z
The MinIO Batch Framework allows you to create, manage, monitor, and execute jobs using a YAML-formatted job definition file (a “batch file”). The batch jobs run directly on the MinIO deployment to take advantage of the server-side processing power without constraints of the local machine where you run the MinIO Client.
The expire
batch job applies Automatic Object Expiration behavior to a single bucket.
The job determines expiration eligibility based on the provided configuration, independent of any configured expiration rules.
Immediate Expiration of Objects
Batch expiration occurs immediately as part of the batch job, as compared to the passive scanner-based application of expiration rules. Specifically, batch expiration does not yield to application I/O and may impact performance of regular read/write operations on the deployment.
Expiration Eligibility Determined at Batch-Run
The batch expiration works per-bucket and runs once to completion. The job determines expiration eligibility at the time the job runs, and does not rescan or recheck for new objects periodically.
To capture any new objects eligible for expiration, re-run the batch job.
Expiry Rules Check Latest Object Only
The batch expiration job only checks the latest or “current” version of each object against each batch expiration rule.
Expire Batch Job Reference
Sample YAML Description for an expire
Job Type
Use mc batch generate
to create a basic expire
batch job for further customization.
apiVersion: v1
bucket: mybucket # Bucket where this job will expire matching objects from
prefix: myprefix # (Optional) Prefix under which this job will expire objects matching the rules below.
- type: object # objects with zero ore more older versions
name: NAME # match object names that satisfy the wildcard expression.
olderThan: 70h # match objects older than this value
createdBefore: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.00Z" # match objects created before this date and time in RFC3339 format
- key: name
value: pick* # match objects with tag 'name', all values starting with 'pick'
- key: content-type
value: image/* # match objects with 'content-type', all values starting with 'image/'
lessThan: 10MiB # match objects with size less than this value (e.g. 10MiB)
greaterThan: 1MiB # match objects with size greater than this value (e.g. 1MiB)
# retainVersions: 0 # (default) delete all versions of the object. This option is the fastest.
# retainVersions: 5 # keep the latest 5 versions of the object.
- type: deleted # objects with delete marker as their latest version
name: NAME # match object names that satisfy the wildcard expression.
olderThan: 10h # match objects older than this value (e.g. 7d10h31s)
createdBefore: "2006-01-02T15:04:05.00Z" # match objects created before this date and time in RFC3339 format
# retainVersions: 0 # (default) delete all versions of the object. This option is the fastest.
# retainVersions: 5 # keep the latest 5 versions of the object including delete markers.
endpoint: https://notify.endpoint # notification endpoint to receive job completion status
token: Bearer xxxxx # optional authentication token for the notification endpoint
attempts: 10 # number of retries for the job before giving up
delay: 500ms # least amount of delay between each retry