
kubectl minio init

The kubectl minio init command initialize the MinIO Operator.

If the Kubernetes cluster has an existing MinIO Operator installation, this command upgrades the Operator to match the MinIO plugin version. For more information on upgrading the MinIO Operator, see Upgrade MinIO Operator.

The following command initializes a new MinIO Operator deployment running 7.0.0.

kubectl minio init

The command has the following syntax:

kubectl minio init                      \
              [--cluster-domain]        \
              [--console-image]         \
              [--console-tls]           \
              [--default-kes-image]     \
              [--default-minio-image]   \
              [--image]                 \
              [--image-pull-secret]     \
              [--namespace]             \
              [--namespace-to-watch]    \
              [--output]                \
              [--prometheus-name]       \

The command supports the following flags:


The domain name to use when configuring the DNS hostname of the operator. Defaults to cluster.local.


The image to use when deploying the Operator Console in Operator mode, where administrators can create and manage MinIO tenants using a Graphical User Interface. Defaults to the version bundled in variable DefaultOperatorImage for the matching Operator release.


New in version 4.5.6.

Enables TLS for the Operator Console.

Disabled by default.


The default kes image to use when creating a new MinIO tenant. Defaults to the version bundled in variable DefaultKESImage for the matching Operator release.


The default minio image to use when creating a new MinIO tenant. Defaults to the version bundled in variable DefaultTenantImage for the matching Operator release.


The image to use for deploying the operator. Defaults to the latest release of the operator.


Secret key for use with pulling the --image.

The MinIO-hosted minio/operator image is not password protected. This option is only required for non-MinIO image sources which are password protected.


The namespace into which to deploy the operator. Defaults to minio-operator.


The namespace which the operator watches for MinIO tenants. Defaults to "" for all namespaces.


Performs a dry run and outputs the generated YAML to STDOUT. Use this option to customize the YAML and apply it manually using kubectl apply -f <FILE>.


The name of the Prometheus service managed by the Prometheus Operator. Defaults to PROMETHEUS_NAME


The namespace into which to deploy Prometheus. Defaults to PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE


Enable Operator sts (v1alpha1)

New in version 5.0.0.