Filesystem Keystore

Use this page to setup a KES server that uses the filesystem as persistent key store.

K E S C l i e n t K E S S e r v e r F i l e s y s t e m
Testing Only:

A plain filesystem does not provide any protection for the stored keys.

Only use the procedures on this page for testing purposes.

Existing Key & Certificate:
If you already have a TLS private key & certificate, such as from a WebPKI or internal Certificate Authority, you can use them instead. Remember to adjust the tls config section.

KES Server Setup

  1. Generate KES Server Private Key & Certificate

    Generate a TLS private key and certificate for the KES server.

    A KES server is secure-by-default and can only be run with TLS. In this guide, we use self-signed certificates for simplicity.

    The following command generates a new TLS private key (private.key) and a self-signed X.509 certificate (public.crt) issued for the IP and DNS name localhost:

    $ kes identity new --ip "" localhost
      Private key:  private.key
      Certificate:  public.crt
      Identity:     2e897f99a779cf5dd147e58de0fe55a494f546f4dcae8bc9e5426d2b5cd35680
  2. Generate Client Credentials

    The client application needs credentials to access the KES server. The following command generates a new TLS private/public key pair:

    $ kes identity new --key=client.key --cert=client.crt MyApp
      Private key:  client.key
      Certificate:  client.crt
      Identity:     02ef5321ca409dbc7b10e7e8ee44d1c3b91e4bf6e2198befdebee6312745267b

    The identity 02ef5321ca409dbc7b10e7e8ee44d1c3b91e4bf6e2198befdebee6312745267b is a unique fingerprint of the public key in client.crt. You can re-compute the fingerprint at anytime:

    $ kes identity of client.crt
      Identity:  02ef5321ca409dbc7b10e7e8ee44d1c3b91e4bf6e2198befdebee6312745267b
  3. Configure KES Server

    Create the KES server configuration file: config.yml. Ensure the identity in the policy section matches your client.crt identity.

    address: # Listen on all network interfaces on port 7373
      identity: disabled  # We disable the admin identity since we don't need it in this guide 
      key: private.key    # The KES server TLS private key
      cert: public.crt    # The KES server TLS certificate
        - /v1/key/create/my-key*
        - /v1/key/generate/my-key*
        - /v1/key/decrypt/my-key*
        - 02ef5321ca409dbc7b10e7e8ee44d1c3b91e4bf6e2198befdebee6312745267b # Use the identity of your client.crt
        path: ./keys # Choose a directory for the secret keys
  4. Start KES Server

    kes server --config config.yml --auth off
    Linux Swap Protection:

    In Linux environments, KES can use the mlock syscall to prevent the OS from writing in-memory data to disk (swapping). This prevents leaking sensitive data.

    Use the following command to allow KES to use the mlock syscall without running with root privileges:

    sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep $(readlink -f $(which kes))

    Start a KES server instance with memory protection:

    kes server --config config.yml --auth off --mlock

KES CLI Access

  1. Set KES_SERVER endpoint

    This variable tells the KES CLI which KES server to access.

    export KES_SERVER=
  2. Use Client Credentials

    These variables tell the KES CLI which credentials to use to access to a KES server.

    export KES_CLIENT_CERT=client.crt
    export KES_CLIENT_KEY=client.key
  3. Perform Operations

    Perform any API operation that is allowed based on the assigned policy.

    When running KES locally for testing purpose, use the -k or --insecure flag to generate a new key or data encryption key

    For example we can create a key:

    kes key create my-key-1 -k

    Then, we can use that key to generate a new data encryption key:

    kes key dek my-key-1 -k
      plaintext : UGgcVBgyQYwxKzve7UJNV5x8aTiPJFoR+s828reNjh0=
      ciphertext: eyJhZWFkIjoiQUVTLTI1Ni1HQ00tSE1BQy1TSEEtMjU2IiwiaWQiOiIxMTc1ZjJjNDMyMjNjNjNmNjY1MDk5ZDExNmU3Yzc4NCIsIml2IjoiVHBtbHpWTDh5a2t4VVREV1RSTU5Tdz09Iiwibm9uY2UiOiJkeGl0R3A3bFB6S21rTE5HIiwiYnl0ZXMiOiJaaWdobEZrTUFuVVBWSG0wZDhSYUNBY3pnRWRsQzJqWFhCK1YxaWl2MXdnYjhBRytuTWx0Y3BGK0RtV1VoNkZaIn0=
