

Initializing the drives

  • formats the selected drive(s) with XFS filesystem
  • mounts the drive(s) to /var/lib/directpv/mnt/<UUID>.

DirectPV uses initialized drives to provision Persistent Volumes in response to Persistent Volume Claims with the directpv-min-io storage class.

Irrevocable Data Loss:
This command completely and irreversibly erases any data that may exist on the selected drive(s).


kubectl directpv init drives.yaml [flags]



Flag Description
--dangerous Perform initialization of drives which permanently erases existing data
--timeout <duration> Timeout for the initialization process (default 2m0s)

Global Flags

You can use the following global DirectPV flags with kubectl directpv init:

Flag Description
--kubeconfig <string> Path to the kube.config file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages


Initialize the drives selected in drives.yaml

The following command initializes all the drives selected in the file drives.yaml.

kubectl directpv init drives.yaml