Update the region
and run the following command, for example --region=us-central1
. This will create a cluster with 4 nodes
in each zone of the region.
gcloud container clusters create minio-cluster \
--region=REGION \
--num-nodes=4 \
Configure kubectl to use minio-cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials minio-cluster --region=REGION
created from the previous stepDEPLOY
kubectl -n minio-operator get secret $(kubectl -n minio-operator get serviceaccount console-sa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode
kubectl -n minio-operator port-forward svc/console 9090
Go to http://localhost:9090, enter the JWT from the previous step and create a tenant.